PS 3 prices ont way down

I bought a PS3 last week (one of the older fat ones, as it can run Linux), and I love it. I didn't realise how clever these things actually are, the web browser on it is excellent (good enough to surf PCR just as well as a PC, even iPlayer runs full screen) and the games are great. I like how it's so easy to download demos from the store and play those.

Apparently you can even do crunching on the PS3, so I need to look in to that next week :thumb:
How many versions of the PS3 are there then?

From the reveiew zed linked to, I'm figuring three and that the first one is the only one that plays PS2 games. Is that correct?

Is having the ability to play PS2 games worth having?

I'm not bothered about installing Linux on a PS3 so I'm wondering whether the best choice is a new slimmie at £250.00 or an original at a used price.

I also note that at the reduced price Sony omit an HDMI cable and a remote control from the new model.

I do like the CEC feature with the new one that enables you to use a universal remote control though.

Still, it won't be for a while before I eventually get a PS3, just kinda thinking out loud.

And I see V_R has taken to talking in riddles lately, must have swallowed a book of abreviations, there have been several lately I haven't had a clue what they mean and I can't be bothered to Google every one.

So what's fml then? I could make a suggestion but I better not :) fml? Um, for more, er, what? Hmmmmmph.
I've just got back from the shops Flops, and they are selling the old PS3 + game for £219 at Sainsburys. There are a few models available, but lots are discontinued - there's a good round up on this page:

From what I understand you need a really old PS3 to be able to play PS2 games (my "fat" one can't, neither can the new slim one).

I don't know much about the PS3 as I've only had it for a week, but I really like it so far. I bought an HDMI cable and remote control from Amazon for just under £20 delivered (you don't need the remote for DVDs/BDs but it's much easier).
Ian Cunningham said:
I've just got back from the shops Flops, and they are selling the old PS3 + game for £219 at Sainsburys. There are a few models available, but lots are discontinued - there's a good round up on this page:

From what I understand you need a really old PS3 to be able to play PS2 games (my "fat" one can't, neither can the new slim one).

I don't know much about the PS3 as I've only had it for a week, but I really like it so far. I bought an HDMI cable and remote control from Amazon for just under £20 delivered (you don't need the remote for DVDs/BDs but it's much easier).

Thanks for that Ian :thumb:

I noticed the game controller can be used as a remote and I already have one HDMI cable, it has a couple of DVI/HDMI adaptors with it, is gold plated and cost me £20.00 online from one of the regular suppliers I use.

But that's for the HTPC to the TV so I suppose if I went for the slimmie it's actually going to cost me £270.00 in total.

The Sainsburys deal sounds good though. Thinking :)
I reckon in a couple of weeks time the "fat" ps3 as Ian puts it will fall sharply in price. Also who really needs a 120Gb console.

Here's a question : Can one save games on consoles and transfer them to a pc and then switch them back again when needed. If ya can the need for a whopper ps3 HDD is kaput.

Or am i just off the head with that one??LOL
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By captain zed

Also who really needs a 120Gb console

I have a XBox 360 and its fantastic but with all the demo games it has and the saved games , it really isnt that big ....
Rush said:
By captain zed

I have a XBox 360 and its fantastic but with all the demo games it has and the saved games , it really isnt that big ....

Hi Rush,:wave:

I said that when i was thinking about transferring files from the console to the pc. Also i have an xbox 360 with a 60Gb HDD so i was just thinking that a 120 Gb would be colossal. What size HDD has your 360 got? Have you finished GOW2 ??:nod: