Prusa MK2S - Haribo 3030 Upgrade


Feb 23, 2002
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After enjoying my previous Wanhao i3 3D printer so much, I'm selling it on and upgrading to a Prusa MK2S - with a further custom upgrade to the "Haribo 3030" modification. The MK2S looks like one of the best value printers around at the moment, and comes with an auto-bed levelling probe, which was one of my only complaints with the previous printer.

After ordering it a couple of months ago (there is a LONG waiting list), I found an open source project called "Haribo 3030" that improves upon the construction of the printer. Instead of using a combination of plastic parts and large diameter screw threads to build the frame, the Haribo 3030 mod uses much stronger aluminium extrusions. By improving the body of the printer, it should mean I can print much faster thanks to the reduced vibration.


It arrived yesterday afternoon and got the construction finished late last night - just in time for a quick power on test. The very first print has just popped out, so I've taken a photo. This is just one of the demo files - the smoothness on the back is fantastic, but I'll need to tweak a few things to remove some of the rough bits around the eyes.


As you can see from the mess of cables, I still have a couple of parts to print to complete the build and cable management - but it works :thumb:.

Once I've had a chance to set the printer up fully, I'll post a little more on it :).
That looks like a cracking bit of kit. :thumb:
I can't wait to get it fully calibrated - I've used it far more than I thought it I would have. I've made quite a few repairs to broken things around the house, plus printed quite a few DIY accessories that would have been expensive to buy (i.e. a 15mm slot featherboard for a table saw). Love it :D.