Proxy exception list fails if / in list

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I have a report from my customer that their proxy exception list fails if
they put a / (slash) in the url. We require they access our site via
If they add "http://ipaddress/asp1" into their proxy exception list, every
exception listed after that one does not work. They feel its because of the
"/" needed in our url. If they put just the ip, it does not work. If this
url (including the /asp1) is at the end of the exception list, all is well,
that becomes an administration issue in that they have to move ours to the end
each time they add an exception. They also say that using the /asp1 in the
exception list causes Windows Update to fail. From what I have read, a /
as a part of the url should not pose a problem in the proxy exception list.
Is there a known problem? I.E. 5 and 6 being used.

Ron Farley
(e-mail address removed)
Hi Ron,

I am no expert, just a slow drip but I think that the normal process is to
create sub-webs under your proxy domain for your clients and not sub folders
under the domain root.
So ipaddress/asp1 should be asp1.ipaddress

Hope that helps.
