I have a weird but annoying problem: Proxomitron appears to add
scripts to web pages viewed on line. If I don't use a proxy, or bypass
Proxomitron, everything is normal but with Proxomitron active I get a
series of scripts added to web pages(see below). I have no idea what
this means but I don't like it. Sometimes they affect the appearance
of a page, but that's the least of my worries.
What causes this and what to do against it?
At the top of the page:
<SCRIPT>var PrxLC=new Date(0);var PrxModAtr=0;var PrxInst;
if(!PrxInst++) PrxRealOpen=window.open;function PrxOMUp(){PrxLC=new
Date();}function PrxNW(){return(this.window);} function
PrxOpen(url,nam,atr){ if(PrxLC){ var cdt=new Date();
cdt.setTime(cdt.getTime()-PrxLC.getTime()); if(cdt.getSeconds()<2){
return(PrxRealOpen(url,nam,PrxWOA(atr))); } } return(new PrxNW());}
function PrxWOA(atr){ var
if(!PrxModAtr) return(atr); if(atr){ var hm;
hm=atr.match(/height=[0-9]+/i); if(hm) xatr+="," + hm;
hm=atr.match(/width=[0-9]+/i); if(hm) xatr+="," + hm; }
<SCRIPT> function NoError(){return(true);} onerror=NoError; </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT> function moveTo(){return true;}function resizeTo(){return
<SCRIPT> function setTimeout(x,y){return(null);} </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT> if (top.location != location){window.open(location.href);
window.close(); } </SCRIPT>
And at the bottom (but not always):
scripts to web pages viewed on line. If I don't use a proxy, or bypass
Proxomitron, everything is normal but with Proxomitron active I get a
series of scripts added to web pages(see below). I have no idea what
this means but I don't like it. Sometimes they affect the appearance
of a page, but that's the least of my worries.
What causes this and what to do against it?
At the top of the page:
<SCRIPT>var PrxLC=new Date(0);var PrxModAtr=0;var PrxInst;
if(!PrxInst++) PrxRealOpen=window.open;function PrxOMUp(){PrxLC=new
Date();}function PrxNW(){return(this.window);} function
PrxOpen(url,nam,atr){ if(PrxLC){ var cdt=new Date();
cdt.setTime(cdt.getTime()-PrxLC.getTime()); if(cdt.getSeconds()<2){
return(PrxRealOpen(url,nam,PrxWOA(atr))); } } return(new PrxNW());}
function PrxWOA(atr){ var
if(!PrxModAtr) return(atr); if(atr){ var hm;
hm=atr.match(/height=[0-9]+/i); if(hm) xatr+="," + hm;
hm=atr.match(/width=[0-9]+/i); if(hm) xatr+="," + hm; }
<SCRIPT> function NoError(){return(true);} onerror=NoError; </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT> function moveTo(){return true;}function resizeTo(){return
<SCRIPT> function setTimeout(x,y){return(null);} </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT> if (top.location != location){window.open(location.href);
window.close(); } </SCRIPT>
And at the bottom (but not always):