I've got an old proview Em-175 monitor which has worked fine for years.
I had a pc virus and lost everything and when I reloaded Windows2000
and all the software I realised that the monitor was only using 16
colours. I've checked the options and this is the only option - there
is no high colour etc.
Going through device manage there is a problem with the drivers on the
VGA device and i assume this is the problem. I've downloaded what i
think is the driver from the proview website but I can't make it work
and I'm still on the 16 colour option.
Any ideas
I had a pc virus and lost everything and when I reloaded Windows2000
and all the software I realised that the monitor was only using 16
colours. I've checked the options and this is the only option - there
is no high colour etc.
Going through device manage there is a problem with the drivers on the
VGA device and i assume this is the problem. I've downloaded what i
think is the driver from the proview website but I can't make it work
and I'm still on the 16 colour option.
Any ideas