provider is not registered



I created a UDL file on my desktop. I then double click on the file and
identified the provider I wanted to use (IBM OLEDB) and my user name and
password. I then tested the connection and tested successfully. I then
copied this connection information into my .net application and when I
attempted to open the connection, I get the following error "The 'IBMDADB2.1'
provider is not registered on the local machine.". It seemed to have found
it perfectly well when I created the "UDL" file. It was in the window
presented to me to select from. So why is it that it can not be found when I
past that connection information into me VS 2005 .net application?

Thanks in advance for your assistance!


I went out and unregistered and reregistered the dll, but now when I bring up
the "UDL" so that I can populate the connection and test the connection, it
finds the DLL, but does not show me and datasource to choose from. How do I
get those back?

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