FamilyNet Newsgate
* An ongoing debate between Susan Bugher and All rages on ...
If you make this a sort of bi-weekly FAQ thingy, I would support it.
Be well,
: Ben aka cMech http://bellsouthpwp.net/c/m/cmech617/
+ WildCat! Board 24/7 (337) 232-4155 33.6kBps 8,N,1
--- GoldED+/DPMI32 v1.1.5-040330 r0405
# Origin: FamilyNet - The Positronium Repository (8:8/337)
FamilyNet <> Internet Gated Mail
* An ongoing debate between Susan Bugher and All rages on ...
SB | I MUST disagree - *I* didn't.
SB | My position is that the more information we give people (especially
SB | newbies) the easier it is for them to form their own opinions and act
SB | upon them.
If you make this a sort of bi-weekly FAQ thingy, I would support it.

Be well,
: Ben aka cMech http://bellsouthpwp.net/c/m/cmech617/
+ WildCat! Board 24/7 (337) 232-4155 33.6kBps 8,N,1
--- GoldED+/DPMI32 v1.1.5-040330 r0405
# Origin: FamilyNet - The Positronium Repository (8:8/337)
FamilyNet <> Internet Gated Mail