Bernie Yaeger
How can I set the browsableattributes of the control that has been selected
(selectedobject) by the propertygrid?
Here's what I'm after - I want to open a form with a propertygrid in it.
The selectedobject will be the form itself. I want the user to change
certain properties, thus changing the form. This works fine, but what I
really want is to take the changes and lock them into a config file, such
that this pc will then display all forms with these attributes.
I don't want the user to be able to change everything - for example, I don't
want a standard form size, nor a standard cursor, but I do want the user to
be able to select the font, font size, form backcolor, etc. So I have to be
able to include only certain properties in the propertygrid. Then of course
I need to trap the selected values and lock them into global variables, them
rebuild the config file to reflect this (when the use selects and 'update'
Thanks for any help with all of this.
Bernie Yaeger
(selectedobject) by the propertygrid?
Here's what I'm after - I want to open a form with a propertygrid in it.
The selectedobject will be the form itself. I want the user to change
certain properties, thus changing the form. This works fine, but what I
really want is to take the changes and lock them into a config file, such
that this pc will then display all forms with these attributes.
I don't want the user to be able to change everything - for example, I don't
want a standard form size, nor a standard cursor, but I do want the user to
be able to select the font, font size, form backcolor, etc. So I have to be
able to include only certain properties in the propertygrid. Then of course
I need to trap the selected values and lock them into global variables, them
rebuild the config file to reflect this (when the use selects and 'update'
Thanks for any help with all of this.
Bernie Yaeger