George Boyd Ratcliff
Hi all,
In VB6 you could declare a property with different scope
between the set & get.
I have a base class where I want properties with Protected
Set and Public Get (ie the class that inherits the base
class can set properties, but the end user of the class
can only read them).
I've read lots about "you can't do this in VB.Net" but
can't imagine that Microsoft would take such a drastic
backwards step (though the loss of edit-and-continue may
prove they will!)
Lots of people have recommended naming the properties
differently, ie Protected Property SetWhatever and Public
Property GetWhatever. But I have lots of properties and
doing this kind of undoes all the benefits of OOP!!
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. George
In VB6 you could declare a property with different scope
between the set & get.
I have a base class where I want properties with Protected
Set and Public Get (ie the class that inherits the base
class can set properties, but the end user of the class
can only read them).
I've read lots about "you can't do this in VB.Net" but
can't imagine that Microsoft would take such a drastic
backwards step (though the loss of edit-and-continue may
prove they will!)
Lots of people have recommended naming the properties
differently, ie Protected Property SetWhatever and Public
Property GetWhatever. But I have lots of properties and
doing this kind of undoes all the benefits of OOP!!
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. George