Yeah, I think so. Thanks for the link, Austin. I ended up at KB article
314800, and I'm humored by the way MS believes only lawyers need personal
data omitted.
The article starts out with this explanation about the personal data: "This
information is known as metadata. Metadata is used for a variety of purposes
to enhance the editing, viewing, filing, and retrieval of Office documents."
Then there's this:
General Suggestions About Security
The following are some general suggestions that you can use to increase the
level of security in your computing environment:
<...lots of general stuff about passwords and screensavers ...>
-Do not distribute documents in electronic form. Instead, print them.
Seriously? I can't believe I'm reading this.
Why not a checkbox that says "include metadata in saved docs" That would
solve the whole problem, wouldn't it? For the presentations I will
distribute I could uncheck the box, SaveAs, and I'm still secure and
Sorry, a bit of a rant.
John O