properly open forms

  • Thread starter Thread starter eb1mom
  • Start date Start date


How can I make my forms open centered and filling the
entire screen and with no buttons (file, edit , view,
etc,). I have return to switchboard and close application
buttons on the form. I have tried many different property
settings and just seem to be making a mess. Any help would
be greatly appreciated.
I'd say that many users would disagree that a maximized (the official name
for what you describe) form had been "properly" opened. The "Windows Way" is
to allow the user control over the appearance of his/her/its own desktop. I,
for one, would have to have compelling need for the application and no
alternatives to continue using an application that maximized all forms.

But, if you feel compelled to irritate your users, you can fill the screen
with a Form if you put this code in the Form's Open Event.


Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP
After much talking with my boss, (the person who requested
all maximized) he has agreed to most forms remaining user
sizable. Thank-you for your thoughts and help