My form is populated by a query. In the query there are two calculated
fields -- NetCost and NeNetCost. The following IIF's are in text
boxes. The first one with the string responses works as expected so
the logic seems to be okay but I keep getting #Name? error in the text
box of the second one. Could someone please explain what my issue is.
=IIf(IsNull([NewNetCost]),("It is Null"),("HasValue")) ****** This is
just a test scenario *******
fields -- NetCost and NeNetCost. The following IIF's are in text
boxes. The first one with the string responses works as expected so
the logic seems to be okay but I keep getting #Name? error in the text
box of the second one. Could someone please explain what my issue is.
=IIf(IsNull([NewNetCost]),("It is Null"),("HasValue")) ****** This is
just a test scenario *******