proper protocol in this newsgroup

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peggy
  • Start date Start date


Often I get help from very wonderful people on this web
site. When they help me it sometimes takes a couple days
to get back to work on my database. If I continue to have
the same problem how to I continue to get their help? Do I
repost if I need more help or do I go back to my original
post and post a reply?
Often I get help from very wonderful people on this web
site. When they help me it sometimes takes a couple days
to get back to work on my database. If I continue to have
the same problem how to I continue to get their help?

Of course! We're all volunteers here; if we didn't want to answer
folks' questions until they get the problem solved, we wouldn't be
Do I
repost if I need more help or do I go back to my original
post and post a reply?

It's usually easiest if you post a reply in the original thread. It
will show up on most newsreaders (note: this is NOT a website, it's a
"newsgroup" - you're just using a web application as a newsreader!) as
a new message, but it will be linked to previous messages in the
thread, so the person answering can find them easily and not have to
go searching for them.

If it's a new problem, or if the person or people helping you don't
seem to be getting the problem resolved, you may want to start a new
thread; if you do, it helps if you copy enough of the context to
explain the problem, or even reference the Subject and date of the
original post so someone can review the prior thread.

If you get no answer at all for two or three days (as can happen -
either the message never really got out, or it was overlooked) it's ok
to post with REPOST: <subject line> in the Subject. If your first
question was unclear, try to add enough information that someone who
has never seen your database and doesn't know anything about your
business can grasp what you're asking - some questions get no answer
because the person asking is too close to the problem to realize that
nobody else knows the context.
Hi Peggy,

Thanks for asking! We're all here because we want to be and we are most
effective and efficient when everyone follows a few basic guidelines.

In addition to John's comments - for a complete set of guidelines on how to
get the most out of the newsgroups please see

Also, you might want to abandon the web interface to the newsgroups and
start using a newsreader. A newsreader makes it easy to follow any thread -
particularly ones that are of interest to you (your own threads for
example). There are many newsreaders available - Outlook Express is one you
already have and it is easy to use:

OLEXP: How to Configure Outlook Express for Internet News