Someone has sent me a databse with everything in Upper Case. Can someone
tell me what the command is to change this to Capitalized text please
I Guess You Mean Like This?
To change any field to proper case in a query:
If you wish to permanently change the data you must use an Update
Update YourTable Set YourTable.FieldName = StrConv([FieldName],3);
A note of caution. StrConv() changes the first letter of every word to
a capital and all other letters are changed to lower case.
This may sometimes give unwanted results. Names with 2 capitals
(McDonald, O'Connor, IBM, etc.) are changed to Mcdonald, O'connor, and
Ibm, etc., while some names that should be lower case (van Houten, von
Braun) will incorrectly become Van Houten and Von Braun.