Hi to everyone,
to check the proper case of my data string I'm using the module I
found at this web-site: http://www.rogersaccesslibrary.com/Otherdownload.asp?SampleName='Proper Case Function'
It's working very well but I'd like to add in it the possibility to
control name like this: "AA.BB.CC. Industry"
The module already can work with string like this "A.B.C. Industries"
but if I write two or three characters between the dots it doesn't
capitalize all.
As you can see, the result will be "Aa.Bb.Cc. Industry" and not
"AA.BB.CC. Industry" as I would aspect.
Hope someone will give to me an hand
I'll post the module code below:
***start code***
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function fProperCase(Optional strText As String, Optional blPrompt As
Boolean) As String
'Call this function in this manner:
' ProperCase("yourTexthere")
' If you would like to automatically capitalize all 2 or 3 character
words, then call in this manner:
' ProperCase(yourTexthere,1)
' Please note any two or three character words in the string will
automatically capitalize if all
' of the characters in the string are the same, regardles of the value
of this parameter (AAA Insurance Company)
'If any improvements/clean up/errors found in this code, please
'email David McAfee at (e-mail address removed)
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim OneChar As String
Dim StartingNumber As Integer
StartingNumber = 1
If Nz(strText, "") <> "" Then 'If value is not blank, then continue
'******************** Start - Check for 3 character words at the
start of string
If Right(Left(strText, 4), 1) = " " Then
If (Left(strText, 1) = Mid$(strText, 2, 1) And Left(strText,
1) = Mid$(strText, 3, 1)) Or blPrompt = True Then
'Capitalize the 3 char's as in "AAA" or "EEE Movers"
strText = UCase(Left$(strText, 3)) & LCase$(Mid$(strText,
4, 255))
StartingNumber = 4
'Only capitalize the first of the 3 char's
'This part can be removed if you do not want the 1st
letter capitalized
strText = UCase$(Left$(strText, 1)) & LCase$(Mid$(strText,
2, 255))
StartingNumber = 2
End If '******************** End - 3 letter check at beginning
of string
ElseIf Right(Left(strText, 3), 1) = " " Then 'Check for 2
character words as the start of the string
If Left(strText, 1) = Mid$(strText, 2, 1) Or blPrompt = True
'Capitalize the 2 char's
strText = UCase(Left$(strText, 2)) & LCase$(Mid$(strText,
3, 255))
StartingNumber = 3
'Only capitalize the first of the 2 char's
'This part can be removed if you do not want the 1st
letter capitalized
strText = UCase(Left$(strText, 1)) & LCase$(Mid$(strText,
2, 255))
StartingNumber = 2
End If '***************** End 2 character word Check
'The first word is not 2 or 3 char in length, so convert first
character to capital then the rest to lowercase.
strText = UCase$(Left$(strText, 1)) & LCase$(Mid$(strText, 2,
StartingNumber = 2
End If
'Look at each character, starting at the second character.
For intCounter = StartingNumber To Len(strText)
OneChar = Mid$(strText, intCounter, 1)
Select Case OneChar
'...convert the character after dash/hyphen/slash/period/
ampersand to uppercase such as "A.B.C. Industries", B&B Mfg
Case "-", "/", ".", "&", "+"
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase$(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 1)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 255)
Case "'" 'Check the character two places after the apostrophe.
If Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 1) <> " " Then 'If it is
not a space, then capatilize (O'Conner, O'Niel)
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase$(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 1)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 255)
'Do nothing as in "Don't" , "Tom's Diner", "haven't",
End If
Case "c" ' Take care of the McAfee's, McDonalds & McLaughlins
and such
If (Mid$(strText, intCounter - 1, 2) = "Mc") Then 'Check
if Prev Char is an M
If ((intCounter - 2) < 1) Then 'Check to see if the M
was the first character
strText = "Mc" & UCase$(Mid$(strText, intCounter +
1, 1)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 255)
ElseIf (Mid$(strText, intCounter - 2, 1) = " ") Then
'If M wasn't first character, then check to see if
a space was before the M, so we don't capitalize Tomchek or Adamczyk
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase$(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 1)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 255)
End If
End If
Case " "
Select Case Mid$(strText, intCounter + 1, 3)
Case "de " 'Add any other exceptions here Example:
Oscar de La Hoya or maria de jesus
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & "de " & Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 4, 255)
intCounter = intCounter + 2
Case Else ' Example: A B C Manufacturing
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase$(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 1)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 255)
End Select
If Mid$(strText, intCounter + 1, 9) = "diMartini" Then
'Add any other odd balls in this fashion
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & "diMartini" &
Mid$(strText, intCounter + 10, 255)
End If
'Method for adding new case is fairly simple, such in the
example above: "de "
'If Mid$(strText, intCounter + 1,
Len("YourExclusionHere")) = "YourExclusionHere" Then
' strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) &
"YourExclusionHere" & Mid$(strText, intCounter +
(LEN("YourExclusionHere")+1), 255)
'End If
'*********************** Check for 3 character word
If Mid$(strText, intCounter + 4, 1) = " " Or (Len(strText)
- intCounter = 3) Then
If (Mid$(strText, intCounter + 1, 1) = Mid$(strText,
intCounter + 2, 1) And _
Mid$(strText, intCounter + 1, 1) = Mid$(strText,
intCounter + 3, 1)) Or blPrompt = True Then
'Capitalize the 3 char's as in "AAA" or "EEE
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 3)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 4, 255)
intCounter = intCounter + 3
'Only capitalize the first of the 3 char's
'This part can be removed if you do not want the
1st letter capitalized
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase$(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 1)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 255)
End If
'********************** check for 2 char words
ElseIf Mid(strText, intCounter + 3, 1) = " " Or
(Len(strText) - intCounter = 2) Then
If (Mid(strText, intCounter + 1, 1) = Mid(strText,
intCounter + 2, 1)) Or blPrompt = True Then
'Capitalize the 2 char's
'This part can be omitted if you do not want to
automatically capitalize a 2 character word made up of two identical
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 2)) & LCase$(Mid$(strText, intCounter + 3,
intCounter = intCounter + 2
'Only capitalize the first of the 2 char's
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 1)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 255)
intCounter = intCounter + 1
End If
'******************** END 2 LETTER CHECK
End If
Case Else
End Select
strText = ""
End If
'All done, return current contents of strText variable.
fProperCase = strText
End Function
***end code***
to check the proper case of my data string I'm using the module I
found at this web-site: http://www.rogersaccesslibrary.com/Otherdownload.asp?SampleName='Proper Case Function'
It's working very well but I'd like to add in it the possibility to
control name like this: "AA.BB.CC. Industry"
The module already can work with string like this "A.B.C. Industries"
but if I write two or three characters between the dots it doesn't
capitalize all.
As you can see, the result will be "Aa.Bb.Cc. Industry" and not
"AA.BB.CC. Industry" as I would aspect.
Hope someone will give to me an hand
I'll post the module code below:
***start code***
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function fProperCase(Optional strText As String, Optional blPrompt As
Boolean) As String
'Call this function in this manner:
' ProperCase("yourTexthere")
' If you would like to automatically capitalize all 2 or 3 character
words, then call in this manner:
' ProperCase(yourTexthere,1)
' Please note any two or three character words in the string will
automatically capitalize if all
' of the characters in the string are the same, regardles of the value
of this parameter (AAA Insurance Company)
'If any improvements/clean up/errors found in this code, please
'email David McAfee at (e-mail address removed)
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim OneChar As String
Dim StartingNumber As Integer
StartingNumber = 1
If Nz(strText, "") <> "" Then 'If value is not blank, then continue
'******************** Start - Check for 3 character words at the
start of string
If Right(Left(strText, 4), 1) = " " Then
If (Left(strText, 1) = Mid$(strText, 2, 1) And Left(strText,
1) = Mid$(strText, 3, 1)) Or blPrompt = True Then
'Capitalize the 3 char's as in "AAA" or "EEE Movers"
strText = UCase(Left$(strText, 3)) & LCase$(Mid$(strText,
4, 255))
StartingNumber = 4
'Only capitalize the first of the 3 char's
'This part can be removed if you do not want the 1st
letter capitalized
strText = UCase$(Left$(strText, 1)) & LCase$(Mid$(strText,
2, 255))
StartingNumber = 2
End If '******************** End - 3 letter check at beginning
of string
ElseIf Right(Left(strText, 3), 1) = " " Then 'Check for 2
character words as the start of the string
If Left(strText, 1) = Mid$(strText, 2, 1) Or blPrompt = True
'Capitalize the 2 char's
strText = UCase(Left$(strText, 2)) & LCase$(Mid$(strText,
3, 255))
StartingNumber = 3
'Only capitalize the first of the 2 char's
'This part can be removed if you do not want the 1st
letter capitalized
strText = UCase(Left$(strText, 1)) & LCase$(Mid$(strText,
2, 255))
StartingNumber = 2
End If '***************** End 2 character word Check
'The first word is not 2 or 3 char in length, so convert first
character to capital then the rest to lowercase.
strText = UCase$(Left$(strText, 1)) & LCase$(Mid$(strText, 2,
StartingNumber = 2
End If
'Look at each character, starting at the second character.
For intCounter = StartingNumber To Len(strText)
OneChar = Mid$(strText, intCounter, 1)
Select Case OneChar
'...convert the character after dash/hyphen/slash/period/
ampersand to uppercase such as "A.B.C. Industries", B&B Mfg
Case "-", "/", ".", "&", "+"
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase$(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 1)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 255)
Case "'" 'Check the character two places after the apostrophe.
If Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 1) <> " " Then 'If it is
not a space, then capatilize (O'Conner, O'Niel)
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase$(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 1)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 255)
'Do nothing as in "Don't" , "Tom's Diner", "haven't",
End If
Case "c" ' Take care of the McAfee's, McDonalds & McLaughlins
and such
If (Mid$(strText, intCounter - 1, 2) = "Mc") Then 'Check
if Prev Char is an M
If ((intCounter - 2) < 1) Then 'Check to see if the M
was the first character
strText = "Mc" & UCase$(Mid$(strText, intCounter +
1, 1)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 255)
ElseIf (Mid$(strText, intCounter - 2, 1) = " ") Then
'If M wasn't first character, then check to see if
a space was before the M, so we don't capitalize Tomchek or Adamczyk
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase$(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 1)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 255)
End If
End If
Case " "
Select Case Mid$(strText, intCounter + 1, 3)
Case "de " 'Add any other exceptions here Example:
Oscar de La Hoya or maria de jesus
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & "de " & Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 4, 255)
intCounter = intCounter + 2
Case Else ' Example: A B C Manufacturing
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase$(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 1)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 255)
End Select
If Mid$(strText, intCounter + 1, 9) = "diMartini" Then
'Add any other odd balls in this fashion
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & "diMartini" &
Mid$(strText, intCounter + 10, 255)
End If
'Method for adding new case is fairly simple, such in the
example above: "de "
'If Mid$(strText, intCounter + 1,
Len("YourExclusionHere")) = "YourExclusionHere" Then
' strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) &
"YourExclusionHere" & Mid$(strText, intCounter +
(LEN("YourExclusionHere")+1), 255)
'End If
'*********************** Check for 3 character word
If Mid$(strText, intCounter + 4, 1) = " " Or (Len(strText)
- intCounter = 3) Then
If (Mid$(strText, intCounter + 1, 1) = Mid$(strText,
intCounter + 2, 1) And _
Mid$(strText, intCounter + 1, 1) = Mid$(strText,
intCounter + 3, 1)) Or blPrompt = True Then
'Capitalize the 3 char's as in "AAA" or "EEE
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 3)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 4, 255)
intCounter = intCounter + 3
'Only capitalize the first of the 3 char's
'This part can be removed if you do not want the
1st letter capitalized
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase$(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 1)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 255)
End If
'********************** check for 2 char words
ElseIf Mid(strText, intCounter + 3, 1) = " " Or
(Len(strText) - intCounter = 2) Then
If (Mid(strText, intCounter + 1, 1) = Mid(strText,
intCounter + 2, 1)) Or blPrompt = True Then
'Capitalize the 2 char's
'This part can be omitted if you do not want to
automatically capitalize a 2 character word made up of two identical
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 2)) & LCase$(Mid$(strText, intCounter + 3,
intCounter = intCounter + 2
'Only capitalize the first of the 2 char's
strText = Left$(strText, intCounter) & UCase(Mid$
(strText, intCounter + 1, 1)) & Mid$(strText, intCounter + 2, 255)
intCounter = intCounter + 1
End If
'******************** END 2 LETTER CHECK
End If
Case Else
End Select
strText = ""
End If
'All done, return current contents of strText variable.
fProperCase = strText
End Function
***end code***