Mark Licetti
I am ashamed of myself, for what I did recently
to my loyal Dragon NaturallySpeaking
speech engine.
To properly suffer penitence, I feel I must offer
myself up to one of andy t's long tirades.
....y'know, where he interminably carries on about
the really important things in life, such as minor
spelling errors.
Confession is good for the soul, so here is the
shameful description of what I did to the loyal
Dragon engine.
I dictated my speech into the $200 version of the
Dragon engine, but not just any speech.
Complex medical terminology, such as:
"perioperative transesophageal echocardiography"
Shameful, because the $200 version of the Dragon
speech recognition software was never designed to
handle such complex jargon.
My dictation was roughly 600 words, roughly 1,479
syllables, which took me 7 minutes to dictate.
If all the words were one-syllable words, that
would be a dictation speed of 211 words per minute!
Here is the kicker about my shameful act.
Perfect 100% text, no correction needed !!!
Keep in mind that if I slipped up by dictating a
wrong word, Dragon would faithfully convert that
"wrong" word to text, and I would have a glaring
text error.
The complete 600 word text result of my shameful act
is in the post immediately following this post.
Okay "andy t", I am ready to be admonished.
to my loyal Dragon NaturallySpeaking
speech engine.
To properly suffer penitence, I feel I must offer
myself up to one of andy t's long tirades.
....y'know, where he interminably carries on about
the really important things in life, such as minor
spelling errors.
Confession is good for the soul, so here is the
shameful description of what I did to the loyal
Dragon engine.
I dictated my speech into the $200 version of the
Dragon engine, but not just any speech.
Complex medical terminology, such as:
"perioperative transesophageal echocardiography"
Shameful, because the $200 version of the Dragon
speech recognition software was never designed to
handle such complex jargon.
My dictation was roughly 600 words, roughly 1,479
syllables, which took me 7 minutes to dictate.
If all the words were one-syllable words, that
would be a dictation speed of 211 words per minute!
Here is the kicker about my shameful act.
Perfect 100% text, no correction needed !!!
Keep in mind that if I slipped up by dictating a
wrong word, Dragon would faithfully convert that
"wrong" word to text, and I would have a glaring
text error.
The complete 600 word text result of my shameful act
is in the post immediately following this post.
Okay "andy t", I am ready to be admonished.