Prompt users for Name and Initials?




What is the proper way to prompt reviewers for their user information,
namely "Name" and "Initials", before they are able to add review comments to
a document?

Ideally, the reviewers would not be prompted until they actually attempt to
add review comments.

Hint: I am attempting to prevent unidentifiable review comments, from
reviewers who do not have their user information filled in properly!

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



What is the proper way to prompt reviewers for their user information,
namely "Name" and "Initials", before they are able to add review commentsto
a document?  

Ideally, the reviewers would not be prompted until they actually attempt to
add review comments.

Hint: I am attempting to prevent unidentifiable review comments, from
reviewers who do not have their user information filled in properly!

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I don't think it will be possible to do it on the first review comment
you enter, but you can do it when the document opens with the
following macros. These also restore the user initials afterwards.

Dim cred As String

Private Sub Document_Close()
' Restore the credentials.
Application.UserInitials = cred
End Sub

Private Sub Document_Open()
Dim result As String

' Store the credentials.
cred = Application.UserInitials

' Loop until some initials are given.
result = InputBox("Please enter your initials", "User
Initials", Application.UserInitials)
Loop While (result = "")

' Change the initials to the new value.
Application.UserInitials = result
End Sub

But personally, I would hunt down the guy who forces me to change/
verify my user initials. If the initials are gibberish, most of the
time, there is a good reason for that. Also, if you have open multiple
documents, the initials change for all of them ...


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