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Papa John....I have both of your very good and helpfull,books, MM2 Do
Amazing Things & MM2 Zero to Hero. I have been searching to see if there is
any way I can add a Project to a Project?

I have a very large project at present..decided to 'break it up' by making a
short Project(a) and then short project (b) in the hope that at the end I
could link project(a) to (b) to (c) etc.... in Storyboard, to complete the
overal PROJECT before Rendering to the completed movie.
Could you tell me if this is possible and if so how?
Many thanks....Darcy
one way is to render the project to a movie and import that as a clip into
the other projects

another way is to use copy/paste all the clips from one
project, put them in your clipboad using Control-C, close the project and
open the one you want to paste into, seleect the timeline view and the
position you want to insert the other project, and use Control-V to paste

you might have to do it in a few passes.... for the video, audio/music and
title overlay tracks... but it's pretty easy.
Many thanks Papa. Will give that a go.

If I have a project saved to Projects (My Videos), and I save it(for backup)
to exrternal drive or disk, will it effect the origanal project in any
way?........Would I be able to re-enter the project into my work from either
of the above, if necessary?
Thank you Papa,

Two more questions if that's OK?

I have consulted your Web a lot but cannot "get in".Could you tell me what
Name and password I have to use? I thought it might bo the same as for
Newsgroup but this doesn't seem to be the case?

In MM,with DETAILS view of clips, is there any way I can Copy/Print the I can Copy/Print almost any other information from normal

Thanks again....Darcy

If you mean that 'interactive experiment' accessed via the link on my main
website page, you can pick any user name and password to go in.... but I'm
hardly ever there. That's the only place I have any name/password gate.

You might be thinking about the forums at many
people think it's mine, but it's not.

In MM Details view, all you can do is use a print-screen and save it as an
Thank you Papa.

PapaJohn said:

If you mean that 'interactive experiment' accessed via the link on my main
website page, you can pick any user name and password to go in.... but I'm
hardly ever there. That's the only place I have any name/password gate.

You might be thinking about the forums at many
people think it's mine, but it's not.

In MM Details view, all you can do is use a print-screen and save it as an