Projects sharing an output directory

  • Thread starter Thread starter WineNCheese
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Can someone explain what (if any) problems can occur if two exe assemblies
share the same physical dll assembly? I've heard it said that each exe
should either have it's own private copy of a dll assembly, or the dll
assembly should be placed in the gac. Can someone expound?



There are no problems that I can think of with your scenario. Each EXE
assembly should have no problem loading the dll into it's app domain. The
GAC is useful for shared dlls that you do not want to copy from folder to
folder, but the current thinking is to avoid using it as much as possible in
order to avoid versioning issues later on.

As I figured. It would be nice if VS wouldn't choke if two projects have
the same output directory. Oh well. The more time I do this, the more I
regress into the good ole' command line days.

Probs can arise if you have strong named assemblies with different versions
in the same dir and that you have 2 seperate projects that each have a
reference to one of the versions.

Gabriel Lozano-Morán