
  • Thread starter Thread starter Pat
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Looking to get an expensive projector. I plan on hooking it up to my
laptop. Is this the easiest and cheapest way to go? Just learning.

Thank you,
Think of the projector as a very large monitor. It works the same, plugs
into the same type connector, shares a lot of the characteristics, etc..

You can overspend your need significantly (I've seen projectors list for
well over $25,000), so spend some time figuring out what you really need.
How far will it be from the projector to the screen? How bright do you need
it? How much background light will you have to contend with? Will you
travel with this, or is bigger than a breadbox ok? Will it need to be
quiet, or can you contend with higher noise output? Does it need speakers
built in or are you running a separate sound system?

But also, what resolution do you want? The projectors resolution, like a
monitor, will help define the detail that is visible from the screen.
Higher resolutions need additional RAM and processing power, lower
resolutions can look grainy. What can your laptop handle on it's video out

I'd speak to some of the sales reps and visit their sites. They can help
you spend what is more appropriate for your needs.

Do a google search for 'LCD projector' and lots of sites will make
suggestions. I would also recommend hitting the Fowler site, it helped me
when I was getting started.

Bill Dilworth, Microsoft PPT MVP
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