Project Question

  • Thread starter Thread starter WLMPilot
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I am tackling something for the first time pertaining to Access Databases and
need some guidance.

I will be designing two tables for work that will be on a network and
accessible from remote locations. I have a few questions regarding this.

1) Is there anything special that I need to do other than placing the
database files in the shared folder?

2) Can I design and create the database on my personal computer and then
transfer to the computer that will utilize the database? I believe I can do
this, but just making sure.

3) I am going to create password protection via usergroups. Should this be
done after I have loaded the database onto the computer at work or can this
also be done on my computer?

Per WLMPilot:
1) Is there anything special that I need to do other than placing the
database files in the shared folder?

Make sure all the users have full permission to the folder - or
fool around with your own ID's permissions until you find what
permissions allow you to update the DB.

Somebody else will probably chime on the exact permissions
needed. 'Twood be nice if no user could delete the database
2) Can I design and create the database on my personal computer and then
transfer to the computer that will utilize the database? I believe I can do
this, but just making sure.

Yes, and think in terms of the tables in one database and
whatever uses them in another database or spreadsheet or .NET app
or whatever.

That way it is a lot simpler to change the parts that access the
DB - you don't have to touch the DB.

OTOH, if you need to change the table DB, it's also simpler bc
the users are only connected to it and don't have copies on their

The things that access the tables go on individual PCs. The DB
with the tables goes on a LAN file server somewhere.
3) I am going to create password protection via usergroups. Should this be
done after I have loaded the database onto the computer at work or can this
also be done on my computer?

Windows or native Access protection?

My experience is that, unless somebody really wants it, Access
protection adds a lot of complexity in
documentation/administrations and doesn't do that much for me
that I want that Windows security doesn't already do.

If people are really spun up about security, I start thinking
"SQL Server".
Thanks for your help.


(PeteCresswell) said:
Per WLMPilot:

Make sure all the users have full permission to the folder - or
fool around with your own ID's permissions until you find what
permissions allow you to update the DB.

Somebody else will probably chime on the exact permissions
needed. 'Twood be nice if no user could delete the database

Yes, and think in terms of the tables in one database and
whatever uses them in another database or spreadsheet or .NET app
or whatever.

That way it is a lot simpler to change the parts that access the
DB - you don't have to touch the DB.

OTOH, if you need to change the table DB, it's also simpler bc
the users are only connected to it and don't have copies on their

The things that access the tables go on individual PCs. The DB
with the tables goes on a LAN file server somewhere.

Windows or native Access protection?

My experience is that, unless somebody really wants it, Access
protection adds a lot of complexity in
documentation/administrations and doesn't do that much for me
that I want that Windows security doesn't already do.

If people are really spun up about security, I start thinking
"SQL Server".
I am tackling something for the first time pertaining to Access Databases and
need some guidance.

I will be designing two tables for work that will be on a network and
accessible from remote locations. I have a few questions regarding this.

Tread very carefully. Access is NOT designed to work over a WAN (wide area
network) - only over a fast, stable LAN. See
1) Is there anything special that I need to do other than placing the
database files in the shared folder?

Yes. Even on a fast, stable LAN you must split the database into a backend
containing the tables, and a frontend containing the forms, reports, queries
and code. See
2) Can I design and create the database on my personal computer and then
transfer to the computer that will utilize the database? I believe I can do
this, but just making sure.

3) I am going to create password protection via usergroups. Should this be
done after I have loaded the database onto the computer at work or can this
also be done on my computer?

That feature has been REMOVED from the latest versions of Access: if you
create an A2007 or A2010 .accdb file, workgroup security will not be
available. It only works if you keep the older .mdb file format.

If you're ok with .mdbs then you can and should certainly implement and test
security on your own box. Download and print out the Microsoft Access 2000
Security FAQ:

Read it carefully. Get a good night's sleep. Read it AGAIN, even more
carefully. Follow its steps scrupulously (use a highlighter to check them off
one by one on the printout - I still do, after using it for fifteen years).
There are good reasons that Microsoft chose not to carry it on into the new
versions - its complexity for one, and the fact that you can download cheap or
free cracking software for another. If you want solid security you'll want to
put your tables into a well-secured SQL/Server instance and use Access as a
Per John W. Vinson:
Tread very carefully. Access is NOT designed to work over a WAN (wide area
network) - only over a fast, stable LAN. See

My bad. I missed the part about "remote locations".