Project Camelot

Jan 4, 2003
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Recently forward to me amoung thousands of others. I thought you guys and gals might wanna have a read through it and come to your own conclusions. Facinating read people.


"Do you know that it’s legal to test biological and chemical agents against US citizens? It’s legal. You know, all that has to be done is to get the approval of the mayor of the city, or his equivalent in any area. Or some representative official. No-one knows this, but it can be checked out. Go look it up. It’s all carefully hidden away in the law somewhere, but it’s all in the public domain. It's all there."

Links to the interviews transcript are included at the bottom;

Dear All,

Project Camelot has published an interview transcript with 'Henry Deacon', a Livermore physicist:

We met with and interviewed this insider in early September, but he declined to appear on video or to have his name made public... for entirely understandable reasons. (Henry Deacon is a pseudonym, prompted by his similarity to the likeable and creative polymath on the
Eureka TV show.)

We've recently finished transcribing the interview and can now publish the transcript in text form.

In this extraordinary, wide-ranging testimony, Henry describes his work and experiences,
and is possibly the first insider to confirm Dan Burisch's testimony.

In addition, he covers such topics as:

-- the coming planned war with China;
-- one way in which drugs are smuggled by the military from Southeast Asia;
-- stargates;
-- signal non-locality and instantaneous communication over vast distances;
-- the inhabited planets of Alpha Centauri;
-- chemtrails;
-- rips in spacetime caused by atomic testing;
-- the use of viruses to reduce the world's population;
-- the shooting down of an alien craft by a unit in which he served;

...and much more.

We believe that the far-reaching information disclosed by this man is highly significant. We salute his courage in coming forward to ensure these truths are known, and encourage and support all others to follow his example.

Click here for the interview transcript:
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Interesting website Trips, particularly the "Tributes" page (did you browse through those? Loads of very odd, "co-incidental" deaths.) Kept reminding me of the "Lone Gunmen" on the X-Files ... particularly when I got the "Service Unavailable" message each time I tried to return to that page today.... hmmm spooky :eek: ... or, maybe one should just assume that their servers might be down (but think I prefer to go with spooky ;)
Weird seems fine now m8. Yes been visiting on and off for couple of years or so now. Some very, very interesting stuff to be seen on there,even for the sceptic to try and denounce
Ah, you're right, it's loading again now, :thumb: btw I also had a look at which was mentioned on there, and found that to be pretty interesting also. Space is one heck of a big place, so it seems a bit unlikely that our's is the only inhabited planet, doesn't it :nod:
I like to keep an open mind and weigh up the facts rather than automatically dismissi or accept things. Have you ever read any of the books by T. Lobsang Rampa (such as "The Third Eye" or "Wisdom of the Ancients") I read them several years ago and they too, make a fascinating read. The author had a large readership, but also an equally large number of people who were ready to try to discredit and villify him, so "you pays yer money and takes yer choice" as the saying goes. Still think they are worthy of a read though :nod: (I'm not particularly "cranky" by the way ... just interested in everything :D)
No I aint heard of those books m8 I am reading Eric Von Daniken's 'odyssey of the gods'. I finished Chariots of the gods a few weeks ago, really enjoyed it.

I too try to keep an open mind but it annoys me people who are absolutely determined to disprove anything they dont agree with. Without starting too much of a debate the 'Evolution theory' for example. Hmmm tricky huh
Yes Trips, Evolution is a tricky subject - did we crawl out of the sea, to evolve into hairy cave-dwellers? Researchers claimed to have found "the Missing Link" earlier this year, which bridged the gap between our fishy ancestors and hominids (story here) Or, could we be the result of some kind of extra terrestrial "seeding" of the planet? Or were we created as the various Religions teach? It's all fascinating stuff.

Hmmm... I guess some folk tend to be closed-minded, because they are afraid of being taken-in by something which later turns out to be a hoax or joke at their expense. Then again, some have very strong Religeous beliefs, and I guess others might even feel a bit spooked, perhaps?

It probably doesn't help, that there are such a lot of pretty dubious websites/books etc., around, which give rise to the generalization that it is all complete rubbish. Shame really, because they discredit anyone who might have a genuine experience of some kind to write about.
Seeding might be correct.

How about Seeding and Evolution?

Eric Von Daniken also suggests this in his book. He suggests this in quite a way that makes it very plausable. ie almost speed of light travel and alikes. You need to buy the book to understand it tho, it's worth every penny. It was someone here that suggested I read it. Cant remember who tho :(

Wasnt you was it?
I'm afraid that I've not done a huge amount of reading on the subject but personally I tend to think that, given the size of the universe it seems very improbable that we would be the only sentient lifeform to evolve. Nevertheless, most of the evidence that I've encountered does seem to be based on hearsay, often by 'anonymous characters', dodgy photographs & proposed alternative explanations for events that are mysterious or 'unexplained' or explanations are perhaps more interesting than the mundane explanations otherwise proposed/accepted (people love the whiff of a conspiracy theory). & none of these things are verifyable.

I'm not going to claim that these things are faked. That would be just as arbitrary as declaring that they're true. But personally, until I encounter personal evidence that stands up to close examination, questioning & validation. Then I shall simply suspend judgement.

Myself I am a sceptic & in general, if people (both for and against any view point) are unwilling to subject their assumptions to serious examination & questioning, then all you are dealing with is a belief system. Faith. And, in my experience most of the people proposing these explanations & claiming these activities/events don't seem inclined to hang around for such. Or tend to get angry if anyone does question their claims/beliefs. Especially if they can't answer them.
We all have belief systems... without them we couldn't function in a world that is, at bottom line only made up of probabilities. The key is to avoid mistaking them for facts. In the meantime I will choose to continue to believe in the keyboard I'm typing on in order to continue this fascinating theoretical discussion ;)
I agree Ciri, to bend over and totally become to everyones beliefs would be wrong!

However its only fair to state that these people that do appear from nowhere and leak information are doing it at great risk to themselves and their familys, maybe that is why they go back into the proverbial woodwork? With every story there is always an item of truth in it from where it originated, even if passed down from generation to generation or simply folklore.

I really hope that something is out there, that someone/something else really does exist. I for an instant will keep an open mind to all sorts of omnipitance. I think all people ask for in this circumstance is truthfulness from governments. Things are hidden from us, not sure why. I have heard about things that others would consider terrifying or indeed would laugh at. Its upto them!

It indeed wouldnt surprise me if this thread is being monitored amoung many thousands of others as indeed the Serpo project site. They are left open for people to discuss because governments have no worry about them.

To take a quote "The truth is out there" It is and eventually we will find out about everything that has been going on. Untill that day people will take and come out with allsorts of conspiracy theorys. I really cant wait for that day. Boy its gonna be fun!!

I'm waffling now
TriplexDread said:
To take a quote "The truth is out there" It is and eventually we will find out about everything that has been going on.

I wouldn't hold out to much hope. "Knowledge is power" & the essence of government is not only to know more than everyone else... but also to make sure that everyone knows or believes that the government does so.
Witholding or manipulating information is as natural to governments/people in power as breathing.
& even if they did release all the information etc that they had on the subject we would never have any way to sort out the genuine from the misinformation. The real from the fake. & there's no reason to expect that the governments' theories & interpretations are more likely to be correct than anyone elses.
Plus, I'm certainly not going to assume that any other planet's 'government' is any more or less corrupt than our own. So, if there has been contact then I, have no reason to assume that any information or technology that they may or may not have been feeding our own govts/planet is any more accurate than what our own government feeds us.

For all we know we might all be some 'kid's' school project/ant farm & everything we think we know is just stuff we've been fed to analyse our reactions. If so lets just hope he wins the science fair cos I reckon we're worth a gold, or at least a silver ;)

In the meantime I suspend judgement.
For all we know we might all be some 'kid's' school project/ant farm & everything we think we know is just stuff we've been fed to analyse our reactions. If so lets just hope he wins the science fair cos I reckon we're worth a gold, or at least a silver

I love that thought Ciri, in fact, it's one I've often had myself when pondering "the meaning of life, the universe and everything" (didn't that turn out to be number 42?) :lol: We could be the components of some kind of molecule and ...... ahem, or maybe not. :)

I suppose part of the attraction of reading about these things, is that they can be so intriguing. Some events have been well documented by people of high integrity - such as sightings of unidentifiable phenomena witnessed by RAF pilots ( accounts of which have only been released in recent years.) There could be some perfectly logical explanations for what they claimed to have seen flying around their aircraft, of course, but the pilots seemed to be pretty convinced that "whatever "they" were," were following and keeping pace with them.

Wasnt you was it?

No Trips, although I remember that we once had a couple of Erich Von Daniken's books, just after they first came out - back in the 1970s I believe.
Yes, I saw something wierd once. Early evening, was flying much to slow (& the lights didn't fit) to be an airplane & the shape & light patterns showed it wasn't a helicopter. I don't know what it was. But that's the point really. I don't know. In the end, I suppose, I'm an agnostic all the way round. I don't know what it was & I aren't going to leap to conclusions simply because I don't have an explanation.
Doesn't mean I aren't curious & if one ever parks itself down the road I expect I'd wanna sneak down & take a peek. But I won't make assumptions simply because I can't explain something. To do so would be like putting coloured glasses on. It limits the range of possibilities & alternatives you can see.
& as far as something like this goes I aren't even going to form a 'working hypothesis'
I just don't know.
& I aren't arrogant enough to believe that I'm ever going to have the answer to every unanswered question that our universe can produce.