
  • Thread starter Thread starter Finn J Johnsen
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Finn J Johnsen


I'm going to send (a lot of) XMLdata from and to a webservice. The
clienapp is a normal gui app. What is the best way to get a correct (as
possible) progressbar to the user? One could put some sort of animated
stuff on the client, just to show that the app doesn't hang, and one
could estimate, but I would like for it to be as acurate as possible.

suggestions/comments are welcome.

Of course you can do a Microsoft approach and write an exponential "false"
progress bar... like in IE - initially it whizzes along, but gets slower and
slower. Ok, well I'm half-kidding.

I had a similar issue myself - I couldn't see a way to pass progress events
back with webservice. So I write a simple routine to pass chunks of the
file - say 1024 bytes each time. Then the client knows exactly where it is.
And actually then you can zip up your file beforehand which will greatly
decrease your upload time.

hope that helps :-)
Sparky said:
Of course you can do a Microsoft approach and write an exponential "false"
progress bar... like in IE - initially it whizzes along, but gets slower and
slower. Ok, well I'm half-kidding.

Well. it is better to show that your system has a pulse, than just a "hang".

I had a similar issue myself - I couldn't see a way to pass progress events
back with webservice. So I write a simple routine to pass chunks of the
file - say 1024 bytes each time. Then the client knows exactly where it is.
And actually then you can zip up your file beforehand which will greatly
decrease your upload time.

hope that helps :-)

The thought of chopping it up has crossed my mind, and I just might go
for it. Just split it to staically 100 chunks will do.

I am compressing the XML. bzip2. In one test i did it reduced the size
of the XML from 36MB to 500k. So I see no other way than compressing
when stuck with ISDN.

One other way i though of, was to refer to the xmldata as a file. And
just sending the reference to an URL to the client. There are lots of
components with events that give progress while downloading stuff. But
the way you suggested here, gives more control though.

