Progress Bar won't work in Excel 2007

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark Driscol
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Mark Driscol

I have been using Excel 2003 and the progress bar found at We just got Excel
2007 installed today, and the LED progress bar no longer displays when
run. Is there an updated version that works with Excel 2007, or is
there something else I need to do to enable it to work?


Mark Driscol has brought this to us :
I have been using Excel 2003 and the progress bar found at We just got Excel
2007 installed today, and the LED progress bar no longer displays when
run. Is there an updated version that works with Excel 2007, or is
there something else I need to do to enable it to work?



That sample code is also available from J-Walk's CDs that accompany his
books. Opening the Progress1.xls sample in XL2007 invokes a security
warning that activeX content has been blocked because the code executes
via a button on the worksheet. Not sure how you're using this example
but the code works fine after enabling ActiveX content.
Thank you for the reply. There are three files on John's CD:
Progresss Indicator 1, 2, & 3. None of these is the one for download
on John's site that displays an LED-display progress bar. I am
enabling ActiveX content, but it still does not work.

I appreciate the response, but the problem is still there. Any other
guidance would be appreciated.

Mark Driscol submitted this idea :
Thank you for the reply. There are three files on John's CD:
Progresss Indicator 1, 2, & 3. None of these is the one for download
on John's site that displays an LED-display progress bar. I am
enabling ActiveX content, but it still does not work.

I appreciate the response, but the problem is still there. Any other
guidance would be appreciated.


I pasted the code from that link into Progress1.xls Sub Main() and it
worked perfectly.<g>??
At work they control what happens on our PCs pretty tightly, so it
could be related to that. I'll try it at home and see what happens.
Thanks very much.

Mark Driscol has brought this to us :
I tried this at home, and it doesn't work in Excel 2007 there either.
I found a link to a posting that concludes the same thing, it doesn't
work in Excel 2007. Not sure how Garry got it work, but I appreciate
the response.

As I stated, I pasted the code from the OP's J-Walk link into the
Main() sub of one of the CD samples that come with J-Walks book. The
rest of the project was unchanged.

The Sub Main() code in the link appeared to be different than that of
the original CD samples and so I thought the OP's problem may have
resided there. When I first opened the XLA from the CD samples in
XL2007 I got the 'active content blocked' message below the Formula
Bar. After enabling the content I clicked the button on the spreadsheet
and it worked as did all the other samples in all the earlier versions
I tested in (v9 to v11)! I then replaced the code in Sub Main() with
the code found in the OP's link and clicked the button again. It
behaved exactly the same, displaying the progress bar and populating
the sheet with the data.

Not sure what you're doing (or not doing) that causes this to not work
for you. Note that I did not create the form as described in the link,
but used the existing form in the Progress1.xls example. Maybe the
problem lies there. That means the earlier version file works in XL2007
regardless of which Sub Main() code is used. So.., I opened a new
workbook in XL2007 and followed the instructions exactly as described
on the OP's link and ran Sub ShowDialog from the Macros dialog and it
worked same as before.

This begs me to ask the question "What exactly doesn't work for