lanabeth said:
MS userinit logon app
MS windows explorer
synaptics pointing device driver
IDT audio
softthinks launcher
are the programs I have left in my startup. Im guessing its the
I now wish to delete, I am learning by trial and error. Not only is VISTA
new for me but WINDOWS, COMPUTERS and even typing. I have learned to NOT
go in to areas that I ASSUME can be changed and I have only had to
completely restore my laptop once about a month into owning it and I have
now had it 6 months. Also NOONE I know has any knowledge about Vista & if
they have any comments they are negative.. Whats your advice for me??? &
THANK YOU for your time
Leave all the items above alone except for possibly "Softthinks Launcher". I
Googled for that and couldn't find anything, but Googling for "Soft Thinks"
brings up links for a backup program. So you need to know what is installed
on your computer.
The way to find out what the items are that you see is to Google the name
*first* and not disable willy-nilly, which is probably why you are trashing
your machine. For instance, if you Google "MS userinit logon", you'd find
out that this is part of Windows. Likewise if you Googled "MS Windows
Explorer", you'd learn that this is Windows' graphical user interface - so
if you want to see anything on your Desktop, don't turn this off!
Although it's good to have a streamlined startup, you're approaching this
from the wrong direction or at least not seeing the complete picture. Yes,
you shouldn't have unnecessary programs and services starting with Windows
but you also need a computer with a powerful enough processor and enough
RAM (memory) to run Vista and you need a computer that is
malware/virus-free. Then the machine will run fast and smoothly. So perhaps
you might want to post back with a description of the problem you are
trying to solve so you might get some alternate suggestions.