I've got this question regarding programming practices. I'm designing
Newsletter module in my WebApp and I'm greenhorn in programming.
There's a stored procedure which adds a subscriber to a DB. It outputs
subscriberID (uniqueidetifier) if it succeeds to add them to the
database and return value of "0". When the subscriber already exists
but hasn't activated/confirmed their account it returns null for
subscriberID and return value of "1". If the subscriber exists and is
fully activated it returns null for subscriberID and return value of
"2". Here is the SP code:
create procedure Newsletter_PendingSubscriberAdd
@Email varchar(255),
@name varchar(255) = null,
@company varchar(255)= null,
@subscriberID uniqueidentifier output
set nocount on
if exists (select email from Newsletter_Subscribers where email =
@Email) return 2
if exists (select email from Newsletter_PendingSubscribers where email
= @Email) return 1
select @subscriberID = newid()
declare @err int
insert into Newsletter_PendingSubscribers (subscriberid, email, [name],
company) values (@subscriberID, @Email, @name, @company)
select @err = @@error if @err <> 0 return @err
return 0
set nocount off
Now in my data layer in my App I'm trying to write method to add the
subscriber to the db. My problem is how and where to react on different
values returned from sql. The method is accessing the procedure and now
I check the Return Value. If it's 0 the method returns subscriberID and
if it's not -- it returns the Return Value.
Public Function Add(ByVal Email As String, ByVal Name As String,
ByVal Company As String)
Dim rowsAffected As Integer
Dim result As Integer
Dim parameters As SqlParameter() = { _
New SqlParameter("@Email", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255), _
New SqlParameter("@name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255), _
New SqlParameter("@company", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255), _
New SqlParameter("@subscriberID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier)}
parameters(0).Value = IIf(Len(Trim(Email)) = 0, DBNull.Value,
parameters(1).Value = IIf(Len(Trim(Name)) = 0, DBNull.Value,
parameters(2).Value = IIf(Len(Trim(Company)) = 0, DBNull.Value,
parameters(3).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
' I am using this DBObject class for accessing data:
result = RunProcedure("Newsletter_PendingSubscriberAdd",
parameters, rowsAffected)
If result = 0 Then
Return CStr(parameters(3).Value)
Return CInt(result)
End If
End Function
But this is, I think, bad design. Mainly because this method may return
two different kinds of data types: string for uniqueidetifier
(subscriberID) and Integer for RetVal. So I would need to propagate up
the App layers unspecified (until runtime) data type. This can cause
many problems I think. The other approach I can think of would be
returning subscriberID when subscriber was not in db and throwing and
propagating an Exception if they're already in DB:
If result = 0 Then
Return CStr(parameters(3).Value)
Throw Ex("My custom exception")
End If
But I've read somewhere that we shouldn't fool around with exceptions
if the result (from DB in this case) was EXPECTED. And this is expected
behaviour. The exceptions are for unexpected situations, I think. Hey,
but what do I know, I'm a rookie! Is there the third (right) way of
doing this? Where do I make my design mistakes? Any advice appreciated!
Best regards
Newsletter module in my WebApp and I'm greenhorn in programming.
There's a stored procedure which adds a subscriber to a DB. It outputs
subscriberID (uniqueidetifier) if it succeeds to add them to the
database and return value of "0". When the subscriber already exists
but hasn't activated/confirmed their account it returns null for
subscriberID and return value of "1". If the subscriber exists and is
fully activated it returns null for subscriberID and return value of
"2". Here is the SP code:
create procedure Newsletter_PendingSubscriberAdd
@Email varchar(255),
@name varchar(255) = null,
@company varchar(255)= null,
@subscriberID uniqueidentifier output
set nocount on
if exists (select email from Newsletter_Subscribers where email =
@Email) return 2
if exists (select email from Newsletter_PendingSubscribers where email
= @Email) return 1
select @subscriberID = newid()
declare @err int
insert into Newsletter_PendingSubscribers (subscriberid, email, [name],
company) values (@subscriberID, @Email, @name, @company)
select @err = @@error if @err <> 0 return @err
return 0
set nocount off
Now in my data layer in my App I'm trying to write method to add the
subscriber to the db. My problem is how and where to react on different
values returned from sql. The method is accessing the procedure and now
I check the Return Value. If it's 0 the method returns subscriberID and
if it's not -- it returns the Return Value.
Public Function Add(ByVal Email As String, ByVal Name As String,
ByVal Company As String)
Dim rowsAffected As Integer
Dim result As Integer
Dim parameters As SqlParameter() = { _
New SqlParameter("@Email", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255), _
New SqlParameter("@name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255), _
New SqlParameter("@company", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255), _
New SqlParameter("@subscriberID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier)}
parameters(0).Value = IIf(Len(Trim(Email)) = 0, DBNull.Value,
parameters(1).Value = IIf(Len(Trim(Name)) = 0, DBNull.Value,
parameters(2).Value = IIf(Len(Trim(Company)) = 0, DBNull.Value,
parameters(3).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
' I am using this DBObject class for accessing data:
result = RunProcedure("Newsletter_PendingSubscriberAdd",
parameters, rowsAffected)
If result = 0 Then
Return CStr(parameters(3).Value)
Return CInt(result)
End If
End Function
But this is, I think, bad design. Mainly because this method may return
two different kinds of data types: string for uniqueidetifier
(subscriberID) and Integer for RetVal. So I would need to propagate up
the App layers unspecified (until runtime) data type. This can cause
many problems I think. The other approach I can think of would be
returning subscriberID when subscriber was not in db and throwing and
propagating an Exception if they're already in DB:
If result = 0 Then
Return CStr(parameters(3).Value)
Throw Ex("My custom exception")
End If
But I've read somewhere that we shouldn't fool around with exceptions
if the result (from DB in this case) was EXPECTED. And this is expected
behaviour. The exceptions are for unexpected situations, I think. Hey,
but what do I know, I'm a rookie! Is there the third (right) way of
doing this? Where do I make my design mistakes? Any advice appreciated!
Best regards