Janiv said:
Hello, We are going to develop our application from scratch. The
application is currently written for WIN32 users only, using MFC. The
requirements asks that the application will run (in the future) on
Windows, MAC and Linux. Is there any way to write all the code on the
.NET Framework, or I should write the core code in native C++ and
write the top level modules (including GUI) in .NET Framework (using
C#), so I can use the core code in the future on the MAC and Linux?
To be honest, if cross platform is a main requirement, I wouldn't do all
this work-around... I would switch to Java. Then you as a programmer do
not have to worry, if it will run on a certain platform, as Java nearly
runs anywhere... and Java-Applications can be based on SWT and the
Eclipse Platform, which provides already a lot of nice stuff for
I think, the time of mono & Co will come, but it is not yet that approved...
Additionaly: Just be aware, that you do not exactly know yet, what the
changes with all the new .NET 3.0/winFX stuff will be. You will have to
wait more time until the mono project also has all these implementations
migrated... or might never be able to migrate certain stuff because of
different operating systems.
Using mono or such things is only recommended for small applications,
but on real big projects I would stick to Java or as you proposed to C++
and do only the GUI stuff in .NET for Windows, in Java for Linux and Mac...