Programmatically Refreshing the Page

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nathan Sokalski
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Nathan Sokalski

One thing that I have often needed to do that I have been unable to find a
way to do is refresh the page (basically do the same thing as pressing the
browser's Refresh button). I know how to do this using Javascript/JScript,
but I have situations in which I need it to be done immediately after code
that is part of my other code. Is there any way to do this? Thanks.
You seem to have misunderstood my question. I want the refreshing to occur
when, and only when, it is called in my code. For example, I might have a
graphic that gets changed when the user presses a button. They do not see
the new graphic unless the page is refreshed. I want to be able to
automatically refresh the page after the graphic is modified, but I don't
want the page to be continually refreshed, because that would be inefficient
and mean that the user might need to wait a certain period of time
(depending on how frequently I set the meta tag to refresh) before seeing
the new graphic.
You seem to have misunderstood my question. I want the refreshing to
occur when, and only when, it is called in my code.

I think you have a misunderstanding of how the web works... The web works
in a request-response fashion, only clients can make requests for data.
Hence, the server (ASP.NET) can force a refresh.

There are a couple solution to emulate what you want:

1. Refresh continously
2. Poll the server via javascript remoting, when the server returns a
positive response, refresh thte apge

Option 1 is easy. Option 2 takes some knowledge of javascript.

I assume that the other sample I did sent in your other questions give you
an answer on this?

I hope this helps,

Ok got it then you can use Cache object where you can specify when the
object changes referesh the cache.

Cache object can further be customized on lot of parameter like values
, time , change in file etc etc.

Shivprasad Koirala
C# , VB.NET , SQL SERVER , ASP.NET Interview Questions
Hi, Nathan.

You might want to take a look at:
"Generating Client-Side Script for Postback"

That article explains how to generate a postback event
in controls other than buttons and image buttons.

Make sure you follow through to the accompanying article:

That sample creates a custom link button
that initiates postback through client-side script.

For a sample which derives from WebControl,
see "Rendering a Server Control Samples" :

I see what might be a problem in using these methods, and it's that
synchronizing the client-side script so that it executes *after* your
new image has been created might be tricky.

You might want to consider adding a "Please wait..." message
or a progress bar to your code and introducing a time delay
for the postback to occur, so that enough time elapses before
the page is refreshed by the postback.

For "Please wait..." and progress bar example code, see :

There's links to source code in both.

Juan T. Llibre
Foros de ASP.NET en Español
Ven, y hablemos de ASP.NET...
I'm not sure if this will help but; this is what I do when I want the page
to be refreshed. It is server based, I find it nessary if a resource on the
server has changed and I want it reflected in the browser.

Public Shared Sub RefreshPage()
Dim httpCxt As System.Web.HttpContext = GetHTTPContext()
httpCxt.Response.Redirect(httpCxt.Request.RawUrl) ' RawUrl contains
the full url, including parameters.
End Sub

Public Shared Function GetHTTPContext() As System.Web.HttpContext
Return (System.Web.HttpContext.Current)
End Function