That macro would be great.
This macro will check the number of LINES in the text placeholder and if it
is over the number you select, it will copy the overflow to a new slide.
========Begin Macro Code=============
Option Explicit
Sub WrapOver()
Dim SldCnt As Integer
Dim SldNum As Integer
Dim WrapCnt As Integer
Dim OldCnt As Integer
SldCnt = ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
OldCnt = SldCnt
WrapCnt = InputBox("'Wrap' text in placeholder " & _
"if they exceed how many lines?", "Wrap after" & _
"input", "6")
If WrapCnt > 15 Or WrapCnt < 2 Then
MsgBox "Please enter a number between 2 and 1" & _
"5, when you re-run this macro", vbCritical + _
vbOKOnly, "Input range error"
Exit Sub
End If
SldNum = 0
With ActivePresentation
SldNum = SldNum + 1
If SldNum > SldCnt Then GoTo EndRoutine
If .Slides(SldNum).Shapes.Placeholders(2) _
.TextFrame.TextRange.Lines _
.Count <= WrapCnt Then GoTo NextSlide
SldCnt = SldCnt + 1
With .Slides(SldNum).Shapes.Placeholders(2) _
.Lines(WrapCnt + 1, .Lines.Count).Delete
End With
With .Slides(SldNum + 1).Shapes.Placeholders(2) _
.Lines(1, WrapCnt).Delete
End With
GoTo NextSlide
End With
MsgBox "Task complete. " & SldCnt - OldCnt & _
" slides were added.", vbOKOnly, WrapCnt & _
" line max. macro"
End Sub
========End Macro Code=============
If this does 1/2 your work, do I get 1/2 your paycheck?
Bill Dilworth, Microsoft PPT MVP
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