Programmatically Adding a Worksheet_Change Event Procedure to a Pr

  • Thread starter Thread starter dougp
  • Start date Start date


I am using Excel 2003 and have added a script to add a Worksheet_Change Event
to an Added Worksheet. I receive the following error: Error -2147417848
(80010108): The object invoked has disconnected from its clients.

I have referenced the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility
5.3. I understand this script would run in the background and naming
VBProject as an Object and using the CreateObject as Microsoft describes in
Article ID: 319832 - Last Review: February 1, 2007 - Revision: 5.3

INFO: Error or Unexpected Behavior with Office Automation When You Use Early
Binding in Visual Basic
does not work.

Here is a portion of the script and where the ERROR occurs:

Dim wsn As String

Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject

Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent

Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule

Dim LineNum As Long

Const DQUOTE = """"

wsn = ActiveSheet.Name

Application.EnableEvents = False

Set VBProj = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject

Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents(Worksheets(wsn).CodeName).CodeModule

Set CodeMod = VBComp.Document

With CodeMod

LineNum = .CountOfLines + 1

.InsertLines LineNum, "Option Explicit" & vbCrLf

LineNum = LineNum + 1

.InsertLines LineNum, vbCrLf

LineNum = LineNum + 1

.InsertLines LineNum, _

"Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)" & vbCrLf

LineNum = LineNum + 1 (Here is where I receive the ERROR)

.InsertLines LineNum, "Dim rngDV As Range" & vbCrLf

LineNum = LineNum + 1

.InsertLines LineNum, "Dim oldVal As String" & vbCrLf
A much better way to do this, especially with worksheet or workbook events
is described (with code examples) here:
look down to where he codes up a Workbook_Open() event
Creating An Event Procedure

The code adapts easily to worksheets also. I know, because I've used it in
just that manner.
I wouldn't approach it this way -- especially if you're supporting a group of

For this kind of code to work, each user will have to have their security
settings set to allow access to the VBE. And your code can't control that

And if the workbook's project is protected, then you're in trouble with that
setting, too.

Instead, if this is just a single workbook that needs this, I'd create a new
sheet with all the event code that I wanted already in it -- in fact, I'd format
it, add controls, pictures, headers, page setup, ... all the stuff I know has to
be done anyway.

Then instead of adding a new sheet, I'd just copy this template sheet and use
that copy.

If I had lots of workbooks that needed this same worksheet, then I'd create a
new workbook with that single sheet (and all the stuff I wanted!) and then just
add that sheet to the existing workbook.
Just to add
Then instead of adding a new sheet, I'd just copy this template sheet and
that copy.

Could save the file with the single worksheet code as a Template, then

Sheets.Add Type:="C:\<path>\myWorksheetCode.xlt"

Peter T
Another possibility, depending on what the code is supposed to do, might be
to use the Workbook's SheetChange event which allows you to check which
sheet the change took place on along with the target range which changed.
And maybe even add a hidden name that the OP can check to see if this is one of
the worksheets that should be processed.