Programmatic Access to "Search Companion" [Gurus only]

  • Thread starter Thread starter valued customer
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valued customer

User wants the ability to have programmatic access to Explorer 'Search
Companion' in order to enable 'single click' access to frequently-used
file views, as well as greater flexibility.

In Windows XP, a user is able to 'filter' for files that meet specific
criteria. These criteria are very flexible. The user can, for example,
display files based on text found inside the files, and other useful

The problem with this feature is that the user has to type this
information in by hand *each time* she wants to access that particular
'filter' setting.

For example, to display files that contain the word
"pnuemonoultramicroscopicvolcanosiliconiosis" she has to type (or cut
and paste) that into the Search Companion every time she wants to
invoke that filter. If the user has several filters with varying
options, this can become
quickly tedious.

Is there a user-scriptable way to modify the 'filter' settings of the
Search Companion? Is there an alternate way to modify this
Is there an altogether different way to show a 'dynamically filtered'
of files inside Windows Explorer, such as with wildcards and
searches (without having to use the DOS Prompt)?

Any suggestions? Insight?
After a search has been executed, you have the option under the file menu of saving the search
parameters. Launching the file created from this save gives you the search window with the
parameters filled in, ready to go.
