Pretty simple! I'd like to, via managed code, switch between the
various profiles available on my phone (Normal, Silent, Meeting,
Outdoor, Automatic, etc.). I understand that the values can be READ
But making changes here only changes the Profiles selector menu - it
doesn't actually impact the OS (the Today screen doesn't change, and
the device still behaves as if the new Profile is ignored).
Couldn't find a way to do this in the WM 5.0 SDK...thanks in advance
for any help?
various profiles available on my phone (Normal, Silent, Meeting,
Outdoor, Automatic, etc.). I understand that the values can be READ
But making changes here only changes the Profiles selector menu - it
doesn't actually impact the OS (the Today screen doesn't change, and
the device still behaves as if the new Profile is ignored).
Couldn't find a way to do this in the WM 5.0 SDK...thanks in advance
for any help?