Programatically controlling the inner controls of a Formview Control



I'm trying to get up to speed on ASP.Net & C# development having come from a
VB6 background.

I know that I can refer to an inner control of a formview control by using a
lines such as

DropDownList ddlDeactivationId;
int deacId;
ddlDeactivationId =
deacId = ddlDeactivationId.SelectedIndex;

What I'd like to know (and haven't figured out yet) is how I can
programatically set the value of one of these inner controls?


DropDownList ddlDeactivationId;
ddlDeactivationId = (DropDownList)FormView1.Row.FindControl("DropdownList2");
ddlDeactivationId.SelectedIndex = 2 //you can set the values like this...


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