Let's say we have a check box and we have subscribed for the CheckedChanged
event. Now if the Checked property is changed, the event will fire. The
problem is that we dont know in the event handler how the event was fired
-from the code (ie programatically) or from UI (checking the box).
I get across this problem all the time and I cant think of any other
solution than setting a flag when changing some control's properties from my
Let's say we have a check box and we have subscribed for the CheckedChanged
event. Now if the Checked property is changed, the event will fire. The
problem is that we dont know in the event handler how the event was fired
-from the code (ie programatically) or from UI (checking the box).
I get across this problem all the time and I cant think of any other
solution than setting a flag when changing some control's properties from my