program windows opening up/mouse runs wild



I really, really am fed up with this problem & just don't know how t
explain this but will try. I'm running Windows XP Home Edition. Thi
problem happens whether I'm online or not. All of a sudden, ever
conceivable program opens up in its own window, my mouse takes off i
all directions and sometimes changes to an odd looking cursor somethin
like a black circle with 2 black arrows - one on the top of the circle
one under. Then everything freezes - all the open windows & the mouse
The only way to unfreeze it is to turn it off by the power bar.
Sometimes this flashing/opening of program windows will stop if I don'
touch the mouse for a few minutes, then I'm able to click on the "X" o
each program window and close it. My taskbar shows all the processe
that are open - usually about 25. Does this have something to do wit
my task manager? I tried to delete the processes that are running bu
nothing seems to fix the problem. Please HELP !!


This sounds to me like a mouse problem/setting, the cursor you describe is
the 'universal scroll' icon? normally accessed by pressing the wheel button.

first go to Control Panel, Mouse, Buttons highlight button 2 and click
Modify set it to Unassigned then see if you can recreate the problem.
(alternatively set it to something that doesn't do a lot eg [shift] and look
out for unexplained shift operation, this could indicate a physical problem
with the button on the mouse)

Try updating mouse drivers.

Good Luck

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