Program to rotate a .PDF file?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chaos Master
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Chaos Master

Hello people!

I download a few electronic schematics in .PDF format, and they came formatted
for printing in "portrait" sheet orientation. I don't want to print them.

Is there any free program to rotate the .PDF file?

Hello people!

I download a few electronic schematics in .PDF format, and they came formatted
for printing in "portrait" sheet orientation. I don't want to print them.

Is there any free program to rotate the .PDF file?

In Acrobat Reader there is 2 rotate commands (buttons)
Rotate View 90 CCW / Rotate View 90 CW


Conny (CoMa) Magnusson
(e-mail address removed)
ICQ : 1351964
Me Fat?
No, I'm just horizontally disproportionate.
In Acrobat Reader there is 2 rotate commands (buttons)
Rotate View 90 CCW / Rotate View 90 CW

They are usefull for display, but Reader's rotate commands can't be
saved in the PDF file.
In Acrobat Reader there is 2 rotate commands (buttons)
Rotate View 90 CCW / Rotate View 90 CW

They are usefull for display, but Reader's rotate commands can't be
saved in the PDF file.[/QUOTE]

Could one rotate for display, then Print the rotated display to a
rotated PDF?

(Assuming one has Acrobat Reader and some kind of "print to pdf"
The Adobe reader can not "print" to pdf or create a new pdf. You would need
a tool to create the pdf from its source document into the appropriate
rotation. Many PDF products can do this but not after the PDF has been
created unless; you convert (to a picture format if there was one
originally) or to text with an OCR or other convert product and then create
your new pdf. Let me know if you have any other questions, I hope this is
of help.

Larry T.
I download a few electronic schematics in .PDF format, and they came formatted
for printing in "portrait" sheet orientation. I don't want to print them.

Is there any free program to rotate the .PDF file?

You can check out my PStill program, at

The Linux and some other command line version are free for
personal/edu use, it is shareware on Windows.

Command line usage to rotate a PDF by transcoding (command line,
combined with some other basic options for job setup):

pstill -2 -g -w 2000 -h 2000 -c -c -c -d 300 -g -i -t -R 90 -o
output.pdf input.pdf

or just select rotation in the GUI option dialog for Windows and

The rotate option is -R 90 (you can specify 180 or 270 degrees

Using the control scripts you can do many other tricks too, like
placing many pages on one, print as poster (tiled) etc.

- Frank