Program to generate list on whats in folder

  • Thread starter Thread starter X-Ray
  • Start date Start date


Looking for a programs that will generate a list in what's in a folder
and you can custom the list so you can remove extension etc
also options to save or print the list

I used to use the dos commands to do this
Looking for a programs that will generate a list in what's in a folder
and you can custom the list so you can remove extension etc
also options to save or print the list

I used to use the dos commands to do this

If you were once famailar with DOS, then get yourself a copy of the
4DOS command processor (shell) from

Here are the switched that you can use with the DIR command

Format: DIR [/1 /2 /4 /A[[:][+|-]rhsad] /B /C[HP] /D /E /F /G /H
/J /K /L /M /N /O[[:][-]acdeginrsu] /P /R /S /T[:acw]
/U[1|2] /V
/W /X /Z] [file...]

file: The file, directory, or list of files or directories
to display.

/1 (one column) /L(ower case)
/2 (two columns) /M (suppress footer)
/4 (four columns) /N(ormal display)
/A (Attribute select) /O(rder)
/B(are) /P(ause)
/C[HP] (Compression) /R (disable wRap)
/D(isable colour) /S(ubdirectories)
/E (use upper case) /T (aTtribute)
/F(ull path) /U (sUmmary information)
/G (allocated size) /V(ertical sort)
/H(ide dots) /W(ide)
/I (match descriptions) /X (display short names)
/J(ustify names) /Z (use FAT format)
/K (suppress header)

And that's just the beginning. You can also apply extended wildcards,
ranges, multiple file names, and include lists; and much much more.

Just recirect your DIR output to a file and then polish up with a text
editor. 4DOS is not supported on XP/NT, but I run it all the time on
XP with no problems.
Looking for a programs that will generate a list in what's in a folder
and you can custom the list so you can remove extension etc
also options to save or print the list

I used to use the dos commands to do this

If you were once famailar with DOS, then get yourself a copy of the
4DOS command processor (shell) from

Here are the switched that you can use with the DIR command

Format: DIR [/1 /2 /4 /A[[:][+|-]rhsad] /B /C[HP] /D /E /F /G /H
/J /K /L /M /N /O[[:][-]acdeginrsu] /P /R /S /T[:acw]
/U[1|2] /V
/W /X /Z] [file...]

file: The file, directory, or list of files or directories
to display.

/1 (one column) /L(ower case)
/2 (two columns) /M (suppress footer)
/4 (four columns) /N(ormal display)
/A (Attribute select) /O(rder)
/B(are) /P(ause)
/C[HP] (Compression) /R (disable wRap)
/D(isable colour) /S(ubdirectories)
/E (use upper case) /T (aTtribute)
/F(ull path) /U (sUmmary information)
/G (allocated size) /V(ertical sort)
/H(ide dots) /W(ide)
/I (match descriptions) /X (display short names)
/J(ustify names) /Z (use FAT format)
/K (suppress header)

And that's just the beginning. You can also apply extended wildcards,
ranges, multiple file names, and include lists; and much much more.

Just recirect your DIR output to a file and then polish up with a text
editor. 4DOS is not supported on XP/NT, but I run it all the time on
XP with no problems.
So You can do the same thing from a DOS Window (95,98,NT,2K,XP).
DIR /? will give you a list of availble options for the OS you're using.

DIR [drive:][path][filename] [/P] [/W] [/A[[:]attributes]]
[/O[[:]sortorder]] [/S] [/B] [/L] [/V] [/4]

Specifies drive, directory, and/or files to list.
(Could be enhanced file specification or multiple
/P Pauses after each screenful of information.
/W Uses wide list format.
/A Displays files with specified attributes.
attributes D Directories R Read-only files
H Hidden files A Files ready for
S System files - Prefix meaning not
/O List by files in sorted order.
sortorder N By name (alphabetic) S By size (smallest first)
E By extension (alphabetic) D By date & time (earliest
G Group directories first - Prefix to reverse order
A By Last Access Date (earliest first)
/S Displays files in specified directory and all
/B Uses bare format (no heading information or summary).
/L Uses lowercase.
/V Verbose mode.
/4 Displays year with 4 digits (ignored if /V also given).
X-Ray said:
Looking for a programs that will generate a list in what's in a folder
and you can custom the list so you can remove extension etc
also options to save or print the list

I used to use the dos commands to do this

Have a look at RJH Extensions:


Frank Bohan
¶ Man who sink in woman's arms soon have arms in woman's sink.