I run WinFax Pro on Win2K SP3 but neither has a built-in fax tone detection
module, so every call is answeredl. The Help file suggests that I need a
prog like PCAnywhere.
Anyone have a solution?
Outgoing Fax calls - don't send out any tone... There is no such thing as a fax tone
detection module - that's the function of an OUTgoing fax call To detect the tone sent by
the RECIEVING/ANSWERING machine - I.E. YOU....
Of course it's going to answer every call... That's what FAX machines do... The
intelligent ones are hooked up to a voice mail system that either switch over to the fax
machine answering tone when there is NO voice message after a few seconds or do the
opposite - blast your party with a fax tone and then take a message if there is no
training of modems...
It sounds like you have one of the less intelligent machines...
Unfortunately the dedicated sound card/modem combination that was quite common in the
late 90's (before PCI slots took over from ISA ) is not a function of the modern computer!
Which is too bad because that was an excellent use of home machines! It used to be
almost impossible to buy a new computer that was NOT an excellent telephone/fax/ voice
mail system... Hell, even the lowly packard bell machines of 1995 were outstanding
machines for doing telephone answering and fax duties!
I bet if you looked around you could find one on a junk pile somewhere that still has
the old 14kb fax modem 36kb v42 modem/soundcard with the packard bell voicemail/fax
software - probably the ONLY incredibly USEFULL piece of software that was ever created
by that substandard company!!! If you do - I still have the win95 cd somewhere that has
all the proprietary old drivers and software - I'd be happy to burn you off an ISO and
post it on some binary group for you.... But you could probably find it in some one's
local library too...
<>SPAM-KILLER<>- If you really want to contact me, then -
You figure it out...