miskairal said:
Yes, you are right. It is a bit more than I want and despite following
the "tour", I"m still clueless as how to use it however it will be great
to play with when I have more time

I was also fascinated by RemoteKeys and tried for years to find out how
to use it. For some reason it is very difficult to get a grip over such
a program.
I tried it now and then and gave up again, without really understanding
the overall picture. But it was fun to play with RemoteKeys. It was like
a strange little thing with a lot of buttons, and the most confusing
factor was that the thing was both the manual and the program to use to
rebuild the thing, and the thing was also the result of the programming.
When I finally started understanding how to use it I discovered windows
powerpro and it took a long time to understand that too.
It was even more complex but I had a lot of help from studying
RemoteKeys for years.
These programs could be described as automation programs, they allow you
automate and simplify repetitive tasks, or a way to create your own
customized interface to the computer.
They are script languages with a visual interface, controlled by mouse
buttons or hotkeys.
For some time I used RemoteKeys to control the Opera browser in full
screen mode, avoiding the ads and giving a maximum of screen area for
web pages. I had created an autohide toolbar with buttons for the most
important functions.
I used the alternative shell litestep together with powerpro for years
to replace the explorer interface in windows, using less memory and it
was much more customizable.
Right now, preparing for a migration to linux, I am looking for a
similar system for linux. I think I will use a proper programming
language this time, probably Python, or some Basic dialect with a visual
objects library.
So it can be a way to get into programming, going from creating a few
customized button bars to writing your own programs.