Program launches at start up


Chris Lanier

Start>>Run>>Type "msconfig" Severel IM programs also have settings inside
on them to do this.

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

In most cases, one need only open the offending program and
deselect the option to "display icon in the system tray" or to "start
when Windows starts."

Failing that, you can use Start > Run > MSConfig to temporarily
turn off the automatic startup of these programs. MSConfig will also
show you where the commands starting these programs are originating,
so that you can permanently eliminate the source of your irritations.
Look in the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start
Menu\Programs\Start Up and C:\Documents and Settings\username\Start
Menu\Programs\Start Up folders, and in the system registry, primarily
in the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run keys.

How to Troubleshoot By Using the Msconfig Utility in Windows XP;EN-US;310560

Bruce Chambers

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