You have a couple of options here. By default if a user is not "Local Admin"
on his PC, he will most likely not be able to install software himself, I
say most likely since most installs write to registry keys and directories
that the user has no access to, but if the install is a simple one that only
copies a file or two to a location that the user has write access to this
will actually work.
Through group policy, you also have the option to control what execuables a
user is a allowed to run
User Configuration ->Administrative templates->System->Run only allowed
Windows applications
Gives you a list where you can configure all your allowed application (can
be rather tricky to maintain is suppose..)
User Configuration ->Administrative templates->System->Don't run specified
Windows Applications
does the opposit, and let's you specify a list of non-allowed applications
If you are running a Windows 2003 Active Directory, you can also use
Software restriction Policys to configure conditional execution of
applications. Have a look at:
Good luck
Niclas Lindblom