Program Editor

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I know there have been a lot of threads about text editors, but does
anyone have suggestions for a program editor, in particular a C++
program editor that can handle multiple tabbed windows, gives a
function/tree view, handles workspaces/projects, works with ctags .....
(so in fact almost an IDE)

I have used VIM but I struggle with remembering the key combinations.
There are others, but they usually lack some feature that I need.

Any help gratefully received !!!
I assume that you use Windows.

There are a lot, but I do not know any that is the perfect one.

- Eclipse: (Java monster)
- Mingw Dev Studio:
- AnyEdit (very good looking, plugins, syn highlight, auto-completion,
but I don't think it has support for function trees/ctags)
- Pu239 Chimera Developer Studio
- DevC++
- Source-navigator is a very good source code wanderer, although I do
not use it as and ide. (

But after all, VIM is completely configurable so you can remap any
function to any key (no need to struggle). And by using Cream, you
have an editor that has the same behaviour as a standard windows program
(without the <Esc>:wq<CR> ...). And with version 6.2, it not only
supports ctags but also cscope (I did not try though).

F. Cordonier
SynSpace SA
Quality Coding Solutions

Many thanks, I have downloaded a couple of these and am trying them.
AnyEdit has crashed a couple of times, and lost all it's workspace and
project information ... which is not too encouraging.