Profiling & performance testing


Vadym Stetsyak

Hi there!

Are there any built-in tool in VS.NET that can help to profile an
application? (here I mean source code)

Generally I need to determine the time of execution of particular methods.

Any help will be appreciated

Vadym Stetsyak
ICQ 161730125

He, who commands the past - commands the future
He, who commands the present - commands the past

Ignacio Machin


There are a number of profiler that you can find, here are a couple I'm
using/used : memory profiler 30 days try. I'm currently testing this one, it seems very
robust and will a lot of features. you can download a try version.
a profiler provided by MS ( I haven't test it ) , maybe somebody can provide
us with feedback. free version.

Hope this help,

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