product key



lats year i got a laptop and with it came windows xp home
edition,evry thing was installed on the computer so all i
had to do was plug in and play which was good because i
dindnt know the first thing about computers my mate
however did and he told me that i didnt need the case that
the disks came in because the product key was on the
bottem of the laptop now considering that he works fixing
computers i believed him and got rid of them. but after
recently reinstalling it i find that its the wrong product
key and i now cannot use word. how else can i get the key
that i need

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

Since you threw away the necessary CoA and Product Key, your only
option is to contact the computer's manufacturer and hope they're
feeling generous. (Oh, and your "mate" should probably not be allowed
to touch any more computers; he's obvious not competent in the field.)

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Evidently, you are attempting to type in the wrong Product Key for
Microsoft Word. The Product Key affixed to the bottom of your
laptop can only be used for reinstalling Windows XP. If you received
a Microsoft Word installation CD with your laptop, then you need
to contact the laptop manufacturer and request a Product Key
replacement for Microsoft Word.

How to Replace Lost, Broken, or Missing Microsoft Software or Hardware;[LN];326246

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| lats year i got a laptop and with it came windows xp home
| edition,evry thing was installed on the computer so all i
| had to do was plug in and play which was good because i
| dindnt know the first thing about computers my mate
| however did and he told me that i didnt need the case that
| the disks came in because the product key was on the
| bottem of the laptop now considering that he works fixing
| computers i believed him and got rid of them. but after
| recently reinstalling it i find that its the wrong product
| key and i now cannot use word. how else can i get the key
| that i need

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