product key

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gabe
  • Start date Start date
It depends on the version of Windows, but for those that have it, try
looking at the registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion and look at the
value assigned to ProductKey. If you don't have that value in the registry,
then as far as I know there is no way to recover the Product key used to
install the machine.
(Windows XP comes to mind here)
| Sure it is. Get Aida32 (enterprise version)
| . Run it and it will tell
| more than you ever wanted to know about your machine. Under
| Software>Licenses section you'll find that key. However, if it's an OEM
| install you shouldn't use that key since it doesn't belong to you.

i've used OEM keys before, and they worked fine.