Processor Temperature

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Could someone please tell me what the normal operating temperature of an AMD
Athlon 64X2 4200+ is? I have searched everywhere, including these forums, for
an answer but cannot find one. I have also searched the AMD website to no
I would appreciate any help you can give me. Please excuse my ignorance
regarding this matter. Thank you in advance.

There is no normal operating temperature as this will depend on the chip,
the cooling solution used, what your system is doing at the moment, and so
on ... the AMD web site will give an "operating range" of temperatures and
if your temperature is in that range you are fine. Just remember, the
cooler the better.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
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Could someone please tell me what the normal operating temperature of an AMD
Athlon 64X2 4200+ is? I have searched everywhere, including these forums, for
an answer but cannot find one. I have also searched the AMD website to no

0 to 70 degrees Celsius is the operating range.
I thank both of you for the information you have provided me. I have been all
over AMDs website, knowledge base, white papers, FAQ, etc., etc., etc. I
cannot find the information I am looking for. However, I trust your knowledge
regarding this matter. The normal operating range of my processor has been
from 27C to 48C but the average is around 36C to 42C. I assume this is a safe
range and I will not cook my processor. My BIOS supports ACPI but I cannot
find any AMD or gadget software that will provide me with the processor
temperature on an ongoing basis. The only way I can monitor my temperature is
by using SIW. Again, thank you very much for your assistance. I appreciate it.
Could someone please tell me what the normal operating temperature of an AMD
I thank both of you for the information you have provided me. I have been all
over AMDs website, knowledge base, white papers, FAQ, etc., etc., etc. I
cannot find the information I am looking for. However, I trust your knowledge
regarding this matter. The normal operating range of my processor has been
from 27C to 48C but the average is around 36C to 42C. I assume this is a safe
range and I will not cook my processor. My BIOS supports ACPI but I cannot
find any AMD or gadget software that will provide me with the processor
temperature on an ongoing basis. The only way I can monitor my temperature is
by using SIW. Again, thank you very much for your assistance. I appreciate it.

Actually it comes from the AMD Website.

Look at:

and then select View Details for your processor.
My 4400 runs around 32C when just idling. Does your bios not have a
temperature monitor?
Speedfan is a good real-time monitoring tool.