Processor Identification Problem on ASUS P3V4X Motherboard

  • Thread starter Thread starter AA Smith
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AA Smith

I just installed the mb identified in the Subject of this message in one of
our computers in JumperFree Mode. Lacking a faster processor for the
moment, I set it up with an Intel P!!! 450MHz processor (retail package
w/HeatSink & Fan,) which the mb is supposed to accept.

However, when I booted up the computer. the BIOS popped up offering only the
following options for me to identify my processor's CPU Speed: Manual, 333
MHz, 500 MHz, or 667 MHz.

I don't know how to manually set it for 450 MHz. For the time being, I
selected 500 MHz, and the computer seems to run ok like that, though I'm
concerned about the wisdom of overclocking the processor. So, I'd very much
appreciate your letting me know how to manually set the processor to 450
MHz, and sharing your thoughts about the safety/wisdom of overclocking.

With kindest regards,

Dick Smith
Try unplugging the computer,remove the battery,locate the CMOS jumper
pin,move the pin from 1-2 position to 2-3 for 2 minutes,then back to 1-2,
replace the battery,restart computer.You'll need to readjust the basic BIOS
settings on restart.
Andrew said:
Try unplugging the computer,remove the battery,locate the CMOS
pin,move the pin from 1-2 position to 2-3 for 2 minutes,then back to
1-2, replace the battery,restart computer.You'll need to readjust the
basic BIOS settings on restart.

Oh please, Andrew. Stop it. Mr. Smith, go to Asus's tech support site
and find out the settings for the frontside bus for the substitute
processor. If you lost the manual that came with the motherboard, Asus
will also have it on their website. Now set the proper frontside bus
speed for the substitute processor. If it is already set correctly and
the board still is misreporting processor speed, contact Asus tech

You could also check on ASUS' web site and see if there is a BIOS update for
your motherboard.