Processor frequency error?

  • Thread starter Thread starter FayeC
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From time to time when I turn my computer on it shuts down and then when I
restart it, it goes straight to the bios and the error says that the
computer started with the wrong processor frequency and to make sure it is
set to the right one.
On the bios the frequency options are: manual, 1700 and 2200 and the right
one (1700) is the one highlighted. All I do is press F10 and exit. After
that it boots ok but it is weird that this has only happened after I
upgraded my computer last March.
Any idea of what can be causing it?

Thanks in advance,

could be that quick shut down problem, MS knowledge base/update will have the fix if it is that....My Asus MB does this when there
is a bad shut down and the subsequent boot will have the same problem. how old is your CMOS battery on the MB?
My MB is an ASUS as well....P4S533-E and it was installed with the new
processor in March.
What should I look for when searching the Knowledge base?

Thanks a lot,


JAD said:
could be that quick shut down problem, MS knowledge base/update will have
the fix if it is that....My Asus MB does this when there
is a bad shut down and the subsequent boot will have the same problem. how
old is your CMOS battery on the MB?
what OS? there is a 'hard drive cache' update in the 9x/Me download don't know if xp/2000 needs this patch.
I am running XP.
I am trying to find something on the KB but nothing so far.


JAD said:
what OS? there is a 'hard drive cache' update in the 9x/Me download
don't know if xp/2000 needs this patch.
Ok.....I downloaded the Intel Processor frequency ID utility to confirm the
processor speed and it did show the right frequency.
My processor is for sure a P4 1.7 with a 400 MHz system bus.
One question for solving the issue...


JAD said:
what OS? there is a 'hard drive cache' update in the 9x/Me download
don't know if xp/2000 needs this patch.
Ok.....I downloaded the Intel Processor frequency ID utility to confirm the
processor speed and it did show the right frequency.
My processor is for sure a P4 1.7 with a 400 MHz system bus.
One question for solving the issue...


Usual none critical causes.
1:Insecure CMOS battery.
2:Dirty(Fingerprints) on CMOS battery or contacts.
3:Failing CMOS battery.
4:Badly seated/dirty contacts on RAM.
5:Incorrect/Dirty Data in CMOS.

Critical Causes.
1:Failing RAM.
2:Failing CMOS re-charge circuit(New mother board required unless user
can live with it).
3:Failing power supply.

1st thing I do in this situation is pull the power cord out or use the
power supply isolator switch if available and clear the CMOS and reset
correct BIOS parameters.

HTH :)

don't know if xp/2000 needs this patch.

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alot of motherboard have an option that you have to disable...stop on
frequency error or something....basicaly if u enable it it will report if
the CPU is running overclocked..if u disabkle it..then it wont report