Process StandardOutput in a seperate thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter mwazir
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,

I have a process thats starts in my application and only terminates when my
application is terminated. I want to write the output and the errors of this
process to a seperate log file. In order to do this, I spawned two threads.

My code looks something like this

' Starting the process
oProcessStartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo()
With oProcessStartInfo
.FileName = strFilename
.Arguments = strArguments
.UseShellExecute = False
.CreateNoWindow = True
.RedirectStandardOutput = True
.RedirectStandardError = True
End With
oProcess = Process.Start(oProcessStartInfo)

' Starting the threads
oOutputThread = New Thread(AddressOf ReadStdOut)
oErrorThread = New Thread(AddressOf ReadStdError)
With oOutputThread
.Name = "StandardOutput"
.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal
End With

With oErrorThread
.Name = "StandardError"
.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal
End With

Private Sub ReadStdOut()
' Has to run in a seperate thread
' ReadtoEnd will work only if the process is getting terminated.
Dim str As String = oProcess.StandardOutput.ReadLine
Do While str.Length >= 0
If str.Length <> 0 Then
Me.oLog.WriteLog("Standard Output : " & str) ' Writes to
a log file.
End If
str = oProcess.StandardOutput.ReadLine
End Try
End Sub

I have a similair ReadStdError function and both share the same instance of
the logging class.
When writing in the log class I implement ReadWriteLock

With oStreamWriter
.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End)
.WriteLine(sDate & " : " & sMessage)
End With
ReadWriteLock.ReleaseWriterLock() ' Release the write lock.
End Try

I would like to know if this is the best approach. It works well for me.
However I felt that if I have an infinite loop while reading the standard
output stream, my application would be memory and process intensive and that
hasnt been the case. So I am a bit curious to know why it hasnt been
intensive. Greateful for any thoughts you may have.

Hi Mwazir,

Did you know that there is the newsgroup

This is a nice question for that newsgroup in my opinion.

You says it works so it is a nice piece of work.
What it does when I see it right is

Start a commandline proces.
Reads assynchroon the input for that process
Write assynchroon the output for that process.

I do not know if assynchroon use will have much benefit in this situation.

Assynchron have benefits when there are wait times in the proces, which will
spent time when they cannot be cached, otherwise they only use more
resources and time.
In this situation I do not see those wait times.

However maybe I see it wrong. As I said a good place to ask is the newsgroup
I mentionned above. However there are here also regulars who can answer that
in a more general way.


I will post this again to the microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.vb group, as

Many thanks for your inputs,