I am trying to start a cmd process and manipulate its main window thereafter.
(.NET 2.0 - c# code - see below)
Sometimes I however get a process.MainWindowHandle == 0 from the process,
despite a nicely started fresh process main window being visible. The process
started ok and is running fine (an openssh client accessing another host).
When using WINAPI calls - basically searching all windows until a match of
process.id occurs - I can get to the proper handle.
Now I know (msdn doc says) if a process window is hidden 0 is normal, but in
my case the process is started with a visible window...
I have a fix for now but it cost me quite some hours to get there. As google
etc did not help I though maybe someone else can add some ideas and we can
all benefit next time...
Thanks ahead and best regards
string arg = "/c ssh " + HostName + @" c:/mypath/my.exe -h";
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd", arg);
psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal;
Process p = Process.Start(psi);
//often == 0
Console.WriteLine("Try via Process:" + p.MainWindowHandle);
//always ok
Console.WriteLine("Try via WIN32: " + WIN32.GetMainProcessWindow(p.Id));
(.NET 2.0 - c# code - see below)
Sometimes I however get a process.MainWindowHandle == 0 from the process,
despite a nicely started fresh process main window being visible. The process
started ok and is running fine (an openssh client accessing another host).
When using WINAPI calls - basically searching all windows until a match of
process.id occurs - I can get to the proper handle.
Now I know (msdn doc says) if a process window is hidden 0 is normal, but in
my case the process is started with a visible window...
I have a fix for now but it cost me quite some hours to get there. As google
etc did not help I though maybe someone else can add some ideas and we can
all benefit next time...
Thanks ahead and best regards
string arg = "/c ssh " + HostName + @" c:/mypath/my.exe -h";
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd", arg);
psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal;
Process p = Process.Start(psi);
//often == 0
Console.WriteLine("Try via Process:" + p.MainWindowHandle);
//always ok
Console.WriteLine("Try via WIN32: " + WIN32.GetMainProcessWindow(p.Id));